proceed as with the first. These operations are performed dut
the montlis of November, December, January, and Februa
should any of ilie trees appear sickly the following season, on.
•e years respue is a iher
Arboreous. Bark deeply cracked, and spongy. Leaves superdeeompound
: Icajlds snbcordatc, entire, pollsh'd, with taper, obtuse
points. P^mWfi terminal. 0/Mi W long and slender, /i«-
rtirjcalcarate. Siliqnc linear, thin, smoolb.
Millingtonia hortensis. Lhm. 291.
Tnml; straight. Bari light ash-colour, deeply cracked in various
directions, and of a soft spongy nature.
Liave^' opposite, superdecompound, about two feet long.
Lcri/lds stibcordiite, with long, taper, ol;
of a deep dark green-colour, and s
one to three inches long.
Pi'/ioles and pdiolcti, a little channel'd.
Panidei terminal, solitary, cross-armed, large, broad-ovate. Rami-
Jtmlions horizontal, the first trichotoraous. then dichotomous
with generally a single flower in the fork.
Bracles minute.
Flowrs nmnevotis, large, pure white, and, like many of the othe
species of this charming genus, delightfully frag
Ca/y.vvery small, slightly five-paited: div' '
Carol infuiidibuliform. from two to three inches long, slender,
andcylindric. J o n/cr four-par ted, the upper division broader,
and nearly half two-cleft.
Filaments only four. Anthers calearate.
Gem oblong. as long as the corol. i/iVwa bilobate.
Sillfu slender, linear, thin, pointed, pretty smooth, two-celled,
about 1 2 inches long, three quarters of an inch broad, and one
line thick.
Seeds numerous, round, very thin, and surrounded with a remarkably
fine transparent wing.
tuse points, margins entir
mooth on both sides ; fro
s nearly equal and
Exterior cali/x four-leaved, longer than the corol
Pandiky of the Telingas.
Choupulta of the Hindoos.
Trunk tolerably straight. Bark ash-coloured. Brnnchcs many, forming
a large, dense head. Bark of the young shoots covered
\;'iih a brown meally dust.
i,fnff,!alternate, petioled, broad-cordate, more or less three, or fiveangled,
irregularly dentate, three, or five-nerved, both sides
downy with stellate hairs, and a meally dusi; size from three
to six inches each way ; on the principal nerve, and sometimes
on each of the two next to ii. an oblong, hollow, yellow
PcHolcs round, two or three inches long, meally.
Panicles terminal, large, raraous, many-flowered.
Flowers numerous, pure white, collected in small umbellets: many
of them are perfectly male.
Bracks small, rust-coloured.
C«/yA.-double. £.x/w«rfour-leaved: leaflets oblong, spreading, obtuse,
downy, three limes longer than the inner, permanent.
Litc-ior one-leaved, campanulate, five-cleft, outside meally;
inside clothed with short, white hairs.
Pdah five, obliquely obcordate. much longer than the inner calyx,
but shorter than the exterior, woolly at the base.
Filamenlsiwt, very short, thick, coalesced into a tube. Anthers twenty;
four sessile on the apex of each of tiic five short filaments.
Germ above.conical. Style three-clcft: divisions recurved. Stignucs
Capsule small, somewhat three-lobed. hid in the inner calyx, threecelled,
three-valved, opening from the apex.
Seeds, one in each cell, obtusely three-sided, brown, affixed to the
bottom of the cell.
A native of the coast of Cororaandel, as well as of Hindoostan ;
where it delights in such soil as is generally found on the b anb of
rivulets. Flowering time the cool season.
The native country of this beautiful tree I have not been able
to discover ; all I can learn is, diat some plants, or seeds, were
brought from the Rajah of Tanjour's garden, to Madras; from
thence one plant was procmed for the Company's Botanic garden
at Calcutta, about twelve years ago. It is now an elegant tree, of
about 30 feet in height; is in blossom about the close of the rains;
the seeds ripen in March.
Cfl(j/A: double : exterior four-six-leaved. Coro/spreading. Anlher»
fascicled. three. Capsule three-cclled, three-valved,
Seed solitary.
• Ir, n.cmory of llii: Utc Colonel Robert K>-d, «hose love for tlie sciencc iuduced him
al ilic desire of ilic Honourable ihe Eiiglisb Enst India Company,
cai Garden, and Tiiblic Nm-sery at Cilcuita, in Bengal ; wliicli he
.ucce» during bU life.
Exterior calì/x six-leaved, shortei' than the corol.
Pootrie of the Telingas.
Truni straight. Bnrk rust-coloured.
Leaves in every respect like those of Kydia calyeina.
Panicles terminal as in the former, but not so ramous.
Flovjers and Bractcs, also the same, but the/«rfKe//j are sin
thiekerthan in K. calycina.
Calyx double. Exlcrior five, or six-leaved, (or cleft to very near the
base): W'^ovaMengthof theinnerculyx. one-leaved.
Corol as in Kydia calycina.
FilmmUs as long as their tube, and reuurvate. Anlkers twenty
four on the apex of each filament.
m ovate. as long as the staminiferous tube. thn
lobed, even witli the mouth of the tube. 218. CAREYA ARBOREA.
A native of the Circar mountains, where it grows to be a larger
•ee than the first species. Flowering time the rainy season.
The ripe seed-vessel was not seen, but the structure and con-
:nts of the germ indicate one similar to that of the first species.
Calyx simple, 4-tootli'd. superior, Petals four. Berry with
seeds, scattered through iis pulp.
Herbaceous. Flowers peduncled. Exterior Jilamaits longer, and
Bhoomi Darimki. its Sanscrit name.
Bhooi dalim of die Bengalese.
perennial, ligneous.
Stems scarce any. but several herbaceous shoots rise annually from
the root ; they arc short, round, and smooth.
Leaves alternate, short-petioled, obovate-cuncate, serrulate, smooth
on both sides ; length from 4 to 8 inches-
Racemes lateral, short, supporting a few, large, remote, beautiful
Bractcs lanceolate, two of which always embrace the ealyx laterally.
Cci/y.v above, four-parted: divisions oval, permanent.
Petals four, expanding, oblong, concave, longer than the fertile
stamina, and inserted on or into their united fleshy base.
K/aiMii/.niu me rolls ; the exterior longer, and sterile; all are firmly
united at the base, and with the corol drop off in one body,
leaving the rim of iasertion, which surrounds the bottom of
the calyx on the inside, particularly conspicuous, on account
of its large, elevated, erenulate, inner margin.
Germ oval, smooth, having four distinct cells. Style nearly as long
as the stamina. Stigma enlarged, and obscurely 4-lobed.
Bern/ globular, size of a medlar, and of the same texture, and
colour; and like it. crowned Avith the pennanent calyx and
part of the style : in the ripe fruit there are no distinct partitions
to be found.
Sce<h numerous, uniform, nestling in a considerable quantity of
greenisli, Iloshy pulp ; and often vegetating in the berry.
ajipe; .s IVci 11 the .side.
h. native of the Rungpove district, in the province of Bcng.il,
where Mr. W. Carey discovered it, and sent plants to the Botanic
Garden at Calcutta, where they blossom in February, and ripen
their seeds in four months thereafter.
Arboreous. Flowers sessile. Innerfdamenls shorter and sterile.
Pelou. Rhced. mal. 5. p. iX.tah. 36.
Cumbie of the Telingas,
Pootta-tanni-marum of the Tamuls
Trunk erect. Bark scabrous: outwardly of a dark rust-colour;
inwardly a deep red, and fibrous. Branches numerous, and
spreading ; their bark smoother than diat of the trunk.
Leaves about the extremities of the branchlets, short-petioled.
obovate. running down on the short petioles to the ba.se.
slightly serrate, smooth, from six to twelve inches long, and
from three to six broad,
¿•/"¿¿w terminal, short, thick, fow-flovvered.
Flowers large, of a pale greetiisli yellow colour.
Brattes threefold, embracing die base of the germ,
Calyx above, one-leaved, cup-shaped, four-toothed, partly per-
Petals four, oblong, many times longer than the calyx, and inserted
Filamaits numerous, as long as (he petals; the interior are shorter
and sterile ; they are all united at the base, and inserted into
the bottom of tlie calyx. Anlhcrs oval.
Germ beneath. Style length of die filaments; more or less of it is
Berry very large, globular, smooth, ileshy.
Seetb numerous, somewhat compressed, oblong, or oval, scattered
through the pul p of the fruii..
A large tree; a nadve of the valleys amongst the mountains of
the Nordiern Circars, as well as of various other mountainous
parts of India. Leaves deciduous about the beginning of the cool
season, November; and come out again with the flowers in
The wood of this ti'ee is nearly of the colour of mahogany, but
not so hard, nor so close in the grain. The nauves make large
mortars of it to braise various kinds of oil-seeds in.
The bark is composed of long, tough fibres, of which strong,
durable ropes are made. Match-lock-men also employ it, as well
as that of Bauhinia parvifiora, to make their matches of.
Subarborcous. Tnmk and larger branches prickly. Leaves teinate,
unarmed: reniform-deltoid, entire. .^wcCTSfj straight.
Bractcs three-flower'd. Calyx truncate, enure, if^iimc pedicelled,
fine-pointed, villous, 6-8-sceded.