imple, and parallel ; 6-12 inches long, by
Panicles terminal, large oblong, rather open; composed of many,
alternate, decompound, long, patent, brown-villous branches
Floxocrs mimcroas. sessile, very mimiie yellow.
^ r a d « oblong, clothed with ferruginous pubescence.
Caly. 3-leaved, (independent of two or diree minute villous
bractes, like a calycle;) ka/hts ovale, smooth, permanent,
Pelah 8, broad-ovate, waved, twice the length of the calyx,
Nedanj: a variously lobed, sraootli scale from tl.e of each
petal on tlie inside ; tliey form a dome over the pistillum; and
round the base of the germ is found a flat, 3-angular body,
with its angles bidentate.
Filaments 2, opposite, incurved, inserted without the interior,
triangular nectary, bifid. Inver lamina supports on us apex
a patelllform receptacle, on which the two-lobed yellow
anther rests. ExtcHor lamina bifid ; segmmts subulate and rise
rather higher than the anthers.
Gervt superior, two-celled, with 2 ovula in each, attached to the
thickened middle of the partition. Style single, short. Stigma
obscurely two-lobed.
Drupe of a pea, nearly round, s
TVhiI conform to the drtii«:, rarely
cell somewhat angular ; the s€
, smooth, black,
ne-celled. hard ;
rtive cell always
Seecl solitary, concave on the side next the abortive cell of the
nut, hemispheric on the other. LUeguvient single, mem-
Albumen none,
Emhri/o curved, and doubled
inferior radiclc.
the Convolvulácea, \vith c
Pig. I. Th e end of a branchlet in flowe r ; natural size.
2, Back and front views of a flower.
3. One of the petals with its nectarial scale separated,
4 Interior and exterior views of the stamina separated, and
their anthers also removed, the better to show their
receptacle.?, and the two-horned exterior lamina of the
5. The interior triangular nectary and calyx,
6. Sections of the germ ; all, except 1st, much magnified.
7. The drupe ; natural size.
8. Vertical section of the nut; much magnified.
of a diirk brown
narks left by the
255 and 256. CORYPHEA TALIERA R.
Fronds subrotund, palmate-pinnatified, plaited. Segments forty
pair • margins of tlie channel of the stipes armed. Inflorescence
pyramidal, length of the trunk of the tree. S^adix from the centre
of the leaves.
This elegant, stately palm, is a native Btngal though scarce
in the vicinity of Calcutta. Flowering time the beginning of the
hot season ; seed ripens about nine or ten months thereafter.
rrunk perfectly straight, about thirty feet high. and. i
eye can judge, equally thick througho- "
colour, and somewhat rough with th
impression of the fallen leaves.
Fronds palmate, pinnatified, plaited, subrotund. Leaflet, divisions
of the frond, united rather more than hall way,
numerous, (srenerally from 80 to 100) linear, lanceolate,
pointed until broken by the wind, or otherwise ; polished
on both sides ; a strong, somewhat four-sided nerve runs
their whole length ; general length about six feet, greatest
breadth about four inches. The thread which forms part of
the Linnajan specific character of Conjpha umbracnlifera. is
sometimes present, sometimes wanting ; at best, such perishable
marks deserve no notice.
Stipes from five to ten feet long, remarkably strong : upper side
deeply channelled, with the sharp margins thereof armed
with numerous, short, strong, dark-coloured, polished, com-
S p J ^ ^ T Z L o n . as the primary and secondary ramifications
in the spadix, all are smooth, and obtuse.
Spadix superdecompoand, issuing, in the month of February from
the apex of the tree, and centre of the fronds, an
immense diffuse ovate/.«n.Wi, of about twenty or more feet
in-height, so that the height of the whole tree from the
ground to the top of the spadix. is now about fifty feet.
Primary branches alternate, round, spreading, nearly horizontal,
with their apices ascending,
Seco^idanj ramlflcalions alternate, bifarious, compressed, drooping,
recurved, soon dividing into numerous, variously curved,
smaller, subcylindric branchlet,«;, covered with innumerable,
small, white, odorous, subsessile flowers.
Calyx beneath, minute, obscurely S-toothed.
Ccrol. Petals three, oblong, concave, fleshy, smooth, expanding.
many times larger than the calyx. No nectary.
Sim. Filaments six, nearly of the length of the petals, at the base
broad, and in some measure united. AntUrs ovate,
PiUil. Germ above, 3-lobed with the embryo of a distinct seed
in each, W« shorter than the stamina. simple.
Drupes from one to three, conjoined, ihough one is by far the most
common and then the rudiments of the other two are
present; they are, singly, quite round, about the size of
a crab-apple ; when ripe wrinkled, and of a dark ohve, or
greenish yellow colour. The pulp is but in small proportion,
and yellow when the fruit is ripe.
Seed solitary, round, attached to the
colour and uniform horny sul
the centre.
'¡no lodeed in the very apex
s Sanscrit name,
of the Bengalese.
or Tahreet, of the Hindo<
le drupe, ofa
nail ca'
t from GE 's Gorypha umbra-
The leaves of this tree are employed by
on with then- pointed steel bodkins, and are
rafters of their houses together, for they art
and durable.
•r, or seed, this t
•s JiabeWfomiis, or
Except when
the natives to \ ginate
2 also split to tit : tlie Serry oblo
e found to be st rong six-sh
tree is scarcely , to be Seeds numi
•Tal oftheBengs ilese. renifo
Leave.«! oblong, entire ; petioles and scapes scabrous.
Tacea integrifolia. Bot. Magaz. 1488.
Found by Mr, I. R- indigenous in the valleys amongst the hills
behind Islamabad, Chittagong. From thencc it has been introduced
into the Botanic Garden at Calcutta, where it blo.ssoms during
the hot and rainy season : and the seed ripens in three and four
months after.
Root an oblong curved tuber, o f a middling size, with wiry fibres
from its sides ; inward colour pale yellow; perennial.
Stejn none, or very trifling.
imwi radical, petioled, recúrvate, oblong, entire, acuminate,
smooth, strongly marked with parallel veins, and somewhat
búllate ; 8-16 inchcs long, by 4-8 broad.
Petioles shorter than the leaves, sheathing at the base, and above
isidc, the whole considerably rough
nail \ ibie
p poir
s the pel and rough
of the
Style shoi t, Stigma S-lobed ; Lobes large, coloured, ant
n the exterior edge.
;, fleshy, an inch and a half in length, by one
p-ribbcd, crowned with three semilunar mar
of pan of the calyx, one-celled.
3US, attached to three divided parietal recej
(1, ribbed. Ldegimient single, tough, dark-bro
Scapes axillary,
like them, cylindric, dir
often variously bent.
Involucre 4-leaved, besides many filiform filaments
mixed amongst the pedicels. Exterior two (lei
involucre) stem-clasping, reflexed, broad-ovate-lanc.-olate,
finely acuminate, many-nerved, from two to three inches
long, by l i broad. Interior pair greatly longer, broadpetioled.
ascending in form of a vault over the flowers,ovalventricose,
many nerved, smooth and coloured ; length,
petioles included, about 5 inches, by 3 broad.
Floroers 4-8, long-pedieelled, large, lit first nearly erect, but on
the second day of expansion drooping, colour a mixture of
greenish purple and yellow ; about the same number of
very long, filiform, smooth, pendidous bodies are found
interspersed among the pedicels.
Calyx superior, one-lcaved, base cup-shaped ; border consists
of six large coloured segments; exterior-S rather narrower,
more pointed, and less deeply coloured : inner three oblong,
obtuse, or emarginate : ,soon after expansion they become
completely reflex.
Corol m. other than the segments of the border of the calyx,
which resembles one very much.
Filaments {petals of ForsterJ G, inserted about tlie middle of the
tube of the cnlyx, tliey resemble little conic vaults. Anthers
on tlic inside of the inteiior wall of the vaults.
Germ inferior, clavate, G-rlbbed, one-celled, and contains numerous
ovnla, attached to three, bifid, parietal receptacles.
Calyx three, or five-parted. Petals three. Nectary globular, with
the sessile anthers aitachcd to its inside. Capsule superior,
3-celled, 3-valved. Seeds solitary, arilled.
Polygamous. Leaves unequally pinnate ; leaflets opposite
2-4 pair, obtuse. Hermaphrodite Peduncles axillary, few-flowered ;
male paniclcd.
Amor, or Amoor of the Bengalese.
A tree of a considerable size, but of very slow growth, a
native of the Delta of the Ganges. Flowering lime the latter
part of the rainy, and beginning of the cold season.
Tr\inh in )-oung trees straight, with few hranckes : the bark ash
coloured, and smooth : young shoots also smooth.
Leaves alternate, unequally pinnate, from 6 to 18 inches long.
Leaflets opposite, two. three, or four pair, short-petloled,
obliquely-ovate-lanceolate, obtuse, unequally divided by the
nerve, polished on both sides, and of a firm texture ;
margins entire, from three to six inches long. Tlie terminal
leaflet is often cowled at the base, as represented in the
drawing at a, hence the specific name.
Petioles nearly round, and pretty smooth.
Stiindes none.
Paniclcs axillary, solitary, drooping about as long as the leaves ;
ramifications numerous, diverging.
J/ottfiri numerous, small, yellow,
Bractes a small obscure scale, under each division of the panicle ;
and two press the calyx laterally.
Calyx small, one-leaved, S-toothcd. The two bracies while they
remain, make it appear 5-paried.
Petals three, oval, concave, pressed to the nectary,
Ncctary round-turbinate, with contracted triangular opening on
the apex.
• ThU gcn„=, belonging to the „« onler ifi./.ac.«, .cem» «llicd to
and Owrva, from wLioli it ii.ny be rcndilj known by the •liopo of the nectary, as «ell
ns Uic number of pcUils and stamina.