Calyx of" tliK fruit, three-leaved. Proper perinnlfi of both male and
I'ciTwIe florets (there arc no lierraaphrodite that I could find),
ihrce-lcaved. Lcajiels lanc'd.
Filavimis single.
Anl/iers two-lob'il.
Style long, slender.
Sligma filifonn, two-cleft.
I observed, that a hood over the rudiments of the young fihiment,
fell ofl' as soon as they increased in size.
Thi; a pretty lurge (re e of the Civcar mountain
Buraaciitchicay of the Telingas.
Rools perenninl, hoiizontal, jointed and white, with many large
Slenis several, if they can be so called, for they are only composed
of the slieaths of the leaves, involved iti but few large, long
sheaths, about two or three feet high, leaves included.
Leaves somewhat peiioled, two-fac'd, lanced, acute, bending to one
side, smooth, finely veined, about twelve inches long, and
three or four broad.
Spike remote from the leafy stems, just appearing above the gro\ind ;
wlien in flower, imbricated with lax-lanc'd, reddish, oneilower'd
Flowcrs; colour, a mixtnreof red and yellow.
Brades: besides the exterior one, already mentioned, there is an
interior one, whicli stands within between the flower and the
rachis; it is linear, with an obtuse notch'd apex.
Calyx one-Icav'd, tubular, above, membi'anous : mouth tooth'd.
Carol onc-petal'd, irregular. Tube cylindric, erect, considerably
longer than the biactcs. Border double: exterior three-parted ,
ibe two approximated divisions are above; they are linear,
pointed, and lecurve, sometimes revokue ; the lower division
stands single, and is like the superior two, linear and revolute;
all are of a bright i-ed colour, Inlerior single, broad, obtuse, reflected
over the supeiior two divisions of the exterior border,
FilMiienl opposite to the inner border of the corol, and projecting
curved out over i t ; above the anthers it ends in a long, projecting,
acute, recurved horn.
Aiilhers two, near the base of the filament, separated by the groove
for the style.
Sly/e rather longer than ihe horn of the filament; its base is embraced
by two awl'd bodies. (Nectary?)
Stigma perforated and ciliated.
•e of i r valiies. Flowerin ^ the
Limi, suppl. 81,
Rools perennial.
Sum none.
Leaves radical, spread close on the ground, sessile, wedge-form.
oblong, crenulated, nigose, nervy, woolly on the under side ;
from six to twelve inches long.
Spikes several, as long (or longer) as the leaves, ascending, imbricated
from top to bottom, with small, rigid, pointed bractes;
the superior bractes embrace each a flower, and two small
lateral bractes.
Flowers small, white.
Calyx five-leaved, the superior leaflet by much the largest.
Corel: tube cylindric, recurved; upper lip vaidted; under, broad,
three-parted: divisions two-parted.
Capsule conical, eight-seeded.
SceiLs Icidney-ibrm.
Grows on pasture ground, generally under the shade of trees.
Flowering time, the wet and cold seasons.
Slem erect, almost simple, round, jointed, smooth ; from six to
twelve inches high.
Leaves opposite, stem-clasping, lanced, obtuse, entire. Floral-leaves
minute, triangular.
Pcdimcles axillary, solitary, one-flower'd.
Flozoers rose-colour, small.
Anthers twin, but do not unite.
Sterile/damenis in this species stand between the fertile, and are
very small.
Capsule globular.
Like the former, delights i
flowers during the rains.
Appears and
Linn. spec, plant, edit. Willdeiiovj, 1. /a 19 3.
Tmlrils simple, woody.
Leaves opposite, short-petioled, oval, saw'd, smooth, shining; about
two inches long.
Panicles axillary, opposite, pednucled, about as lung as the leaves,
Flower.i exceeding numerous, very small, of a rusty-yellow colour.
Bracles minute.
Pc/ii/i linear-oblong.
Gej-m three-lob'd.
Style shorter than the stamens.
Capsules from one to three, oblong, one-cell'd, one-valved.
Seeds two, broad-wing'd, affixed to the bottom of the capsule by the
apex of the wing.
A large twining shrub ; a native of forests, hills, and v
habited places. Flowers about the beginning of the hot s
ild u
Linn, suppl. 105.
compound, one-rank'd; Spihelels two-rank'd; each has an involucre
of two lanceolate, acute, membranous valves: within
these two valves is a short, club'd, downy pedicel, supporting
the spikelet of four flowers with their common calyx; it is
joined to the involucre by an articulation, and drops off most
readily, particularly when dry, leaving the involucre attached
Germ inverse-hearted. Styles two, with feathery, recurved stigmas.
Grows under bushes, ou dry uncultivated grounds.
Nardus indica. Linn, suppl. 105.
Culms many, erect, ramous, filiform, smooth, from two to six inches
Leaves, inside a little hairy, in size proportioned to that of the plants.
Spike terminal, solitary, awl'd, one-rank'd, about an inch, or an inch
and a half long. Rachis excavated on one side, but not jointed.
Flowers all hermaphrodite, imbricate on the excavated side of the
Cn^^.vone-flower'd, two-valved: ValveletsQqaü, membrane-margin'd.
Core/two-valved, membranous, hairy.
Slameyis three.
Styles two.
Grows on old walls.
Li,m. spec, plant, edit. Willdenow, 1 . / a 1G4.
Rottboellia pilosa. Linn. spec, plant, edit. Willdenow, \ .p. -165.
Nardus Thoma;a. Liim. suppl. 105.
ss'd, about Culms minute, erect, : nch higii without the
spike, and two
Leaves two-faced, numerous.
Spike terminal, solitary, erect, awl'd, two-rank'd, compress'd. Rachis
waved, e.\cavated on the sides, not articulated, {a is a portion
magnified, with the flowers of one side in their places.)
Flowers M hermaphrodite, disposed alternately in the excavations
of the rachis ¡6).
Caly.x or le-flower'd, valved : exterior valvelet rigid, linear ;
;rior boat-sh
Corol tw< )-valved, rac
Slamen tl nee.
S/yUs tw.
Growi i with the la
Li?m. suppl. 127.
Raoi fibrous,
Slem upright, four-sided, smooth, from one to diree feet high.
Branches numerous, cross-armed, stem-like.
Leaves opposite, sessile, linear-arrow'd, smooth, margins a little
revolute ; from one to two inches long, and about a quarter of
an inch broad.
Peduncle axillary, very short, from two to three-flower'd.
Floxuers small, of a beautiful bright red colour.
Bractes minute.
Filaments as long as die corol. Aulhcrs incumbent.
native of moist p ing the r;
Ait. hort. Kem. J. />, 291. Linn. spec, plant, edit. Wiltdenoxu, I, /'. 122 6,
Caaringua of the Teliiigas.
A small tree, with suberect .5)vi7ic-/tej, covered with a smooth ashcolour'd
Leaves eiCatT opposite or three-fold, (in a good soil always three-fold)
nearly sessile, inserted into the stipules, cbovate, entire, a little
bubbled ; above of a deep shining green, below whiti.sh; veins
many and large, running parallel, from six to twelve inches
long; in their axils hollow glands, with hairy margins.
SUpules annular, within the leaves, .splitting irregularly when old.
Floxuers one, two. three, or lour, at the extremities of the branchlets;
very large, and fragrant; when first open in ihe morning,
white ; but gradually grow yellow towards night.
Pedjincle s\\oxl. one-flower'd.
Calyx small, irregularly divided.
Corol: tube long, cylindric ; throat smooth ; border large, spreading,
from seven to eleven-clcfi: divisions obliquely oblong,
the length of the tube.
Filaments none. Anthers corresponding with the number of segments
in the border of the corol, linear, pointed at both ends, half
immersed in the tube, liie other half above its mouth.
Berry, size of a pullet's egg; colour at all times a cineraceous greenisli
yellow; a little scabrous; generally one-cell'd, or the partitions
are so trifling as hardly to be observed.
Seeds very n
Is native of barren, rocky hills, both in the Gircars and Car-
Like the other species, it flowers about the beginning of the
This species is deserving of notice. Its large glossy green leave
as well as the size and beauty of its flowers, rendering it very o
• Dcscriplloii by Dr. Koinig.
Cnlmi folksi, gcniciilis Jiiohus, raro pluribus, vix pullicires.
FMio alterna, piwiicij, angusta, pi Us i-aris longis cilial:i: nicinlira
mbulal^i, compres so-plana, li^thU albicans, uirinque ne
.parum lireviortbns all»
iciui apicc bifiiis, albi.
Slamma duo vcl tria. Àiilhirnutri
Sí-V-MM barbaci, ptirp,
ScTTUit globosuni, glabnim, magnui