Mucasdie of the Telingas.
Weaver's-beam tree.
Calyx two-Iip'cl. Corol fi om five to seven-cleft. Capsule )3ear-sliape,
two celi'cl, two-valved. Seals from eight to ten, meinbraiiewing'd.
0 form a
lembranaceoiis ^ •ing.
' fragrant during the
Tills is a large timber tree, a native ofvallies in the mountainous
pans of the Rajahmundry Circai. Us flowering time is about the
beginning of the hot season.
The wood is of a grey colour, very close-grained, heavy, and
dural)le; it is reckoned loss subject to crack or warp than any other;
on which account it is employed by weavers in many parts of their
• S.I,n:b5rascliiioiclcsorLii,iis;iis, is
ica. SchrcW,idbeii!urUci%:>is(Ccl«ii
clirebeia scliiiioidcs ofTiiunhcig's i>todi
.inn.siippl, 128. Tliu.,b.«tjv-gcii. i>. s
specics of Ciisctila, growing on ^íy^¡ca iilii<
sghiicus ofV:,bl) is a species ..rEliotlcntlmii
looms, particularly for the beam: it serves also for a great variety
of other uses.
I am inclined to think it would answer well for scales to mathejnatical
instmments. It is not so handsome as box, but is not
subject to warp.
Trunk crect. Bark scabrous.
Branches niimerons, spreading in every direction, sc
large, beautiful, shady head.
Leaves nearly opposite, petioled, pinnate with an odd one, about a
foot long. Leaflets three or four pair, opposite, short-petioled,
the hiweimost largest, and obliquely ovate, while those
towards the apex become more lance-shape; all are entire,
pointed, smooth on both sides, and about three or four inches
Peiioles round, smooth.
Panicles terminal, thin, trichotomous.
Bractes small, falling.
I'lowers white and brown variegated; '
Calyx beneath, tubular, somewhat two-Iip'd; lips i
emarginate; there are often two lateral toothlets, o
side, in ihe divisions of the lips.
Coroii one-petal'd, salver-form; Tube cylindric, three times longer
lhan the calyx; border spreading, divided into five, six, or
seven wedgeform, truncate segments.
Filmuenls two, short, inserted below tl\e middle of the tube,
Anlhcrs oblong, hid within the tube of the corol.
Germ above, oval. Style a little longer than the tube.
Stigma bifid.
Capsule large, pear-sliape, size of a pullet's egg, scabrous, very hard,
two-ccird, two-valved.
Seeds four in each celt, irregularly oval, compress'd, with a long
Turks Vepa of the Telingas,
Trunk leaning, often as thick as a man's thigh.
Branches numeroits, climbing or bowing.
Thorns very large, exceeding strong, like a rhinoceros's horn, scattered
over the old woody parts only.
Leaves alternate, two-faced, petioled, oval, entire, smooth, about two
inches long, and one broad.
Raceme axillary, solitary, half the leugth of the leaf, few-flowered.
Floroers small, while.
Calyx cup-form, entire, permanent, and enlarging with the fruit.
Corol bell'd. Piiri/i three : 1, 2 or all S half two-cleft; divisions
linear, spreading. Js'eclary, a bifid, fdiform, yellow body rises
from the inside of the base of each division of the petals.
Filavienls three, short, between the nectaries, inserted into the petals,
below their fissures.
Anthers oblong.
Germ above, egg'd.
Style length of the corol.
Slio-ma simple.
Beriy globular, three-fourths covered with the enlarged calyx, yellow,
Seed single, globular.
A large, climbing shrub ;
year round.
e of forests; flowers all the
Cansjcra. Jiiss. gen.
Leaves alternate, two-faced, short-petioled, broad-lanced, smooth,
entire, about three inches long, and one broad.
Spike axillary, generally single, short, every where covered with
.BrncifJ solitary, small, oval, one-flower'd.
Flowei-s small, sessile, yellow.
Ca/ji below, one-leaved, bellied: mouth four-tooth'd.
Corol none, except the calyx or nectary is such.
Xectary four-leaved, hearted, acute, half the length of the calyx,
inserted round the base of the germ, and embracing it.
Filaments four, inserted into the base of ihe calyx, and shorter
than it.