»/t-v five-pnriecl lo tlie b:ise : divisions l^nctid, permanent.
Ff/o/s five, hincecl, spiciicling, larger tlinn ilie ciilyx, witliering.
S/amsns leii, spreading, knglli ol'ihe calyx.
Oipnie nearly gl<,l)ular, five-lobVI, five-cell'd, five-valved.
Scah numerous. aiTiNcd to a large cyliudric, common receptacle, n
tlic ceiurc.
A succnlent. .'poiigy, herbaceous, annual plan!, growing In wc
places, or lloating on jiwect water.
Coma ill Act. Sue. Lhin. 5. ¡K 222.
Crateva Marmclos, linn, sj-f.c. jdcmi. 63 7.
Marcduo of the Telingas.
Trunk prcuy ercct. Bark ash-coloiu-'d.
Branches tliin and irregular.
riwms axillary, in pairs, single, very sharp and strong; but s(
limes wanting.
Leaves ihreed. LcoJJds oblong, or broad-lanced, attenuated to a
blunt point, crenulated, diilering nuicli in size; but the exterior
one is always tlie largest.
Panldcs as in Teronia, but the {lowers are much larger and white;
all are hennaplirodiLe, at least I have not found any other.
Calyx !uul Carol as in Feronia.
Fdumails about Ibity, short. Ajtihers linear, erect.
Pislil as in Feronia.
Beiry considerably larger than In Feronia, smootlier, shell mueh
harder, from ten to fifteen-ceird ; cells contain, besides the
seeds, 1 large quantity of an e.xceedingly tenacious transparent
gluten, which on drying becomes very hard, but continues
transparent; when fresh it may be drawn out into threads of
one or two yards in length, and so fine as to be scarcely perceptible
to the naked eye. Seeds from six to ten in each cell,
oblong, a little compress'd, woolly.*
This grows to a pretty large tree, It is a native of the mountainous
parts of the Coast, but met with sometimes also in the low
lands. Flowers during the hot season.
From the rind of the fruit, the Dutch, on the island of Ceylon,
prejiare a perfume.
The wood is of a light chocolate colour, much variegated with
darker coloured veins ; is hard, durable, and used for a variety of
The fruit, delicious to the taste, and exquisitely fragrant, is not
only nutritious, but possesses a laxative and aperient quality, confirmed
by experience, which renders it paiticuLirly serviceable in
habitual costiveness. The mucus of the seed makes a very good
cement for some purposes.
• DE'ciiption by Dr. Kociiig.
Cnirxmoiiopliylliis, csmparoikttis, quint)uqnrtiliis: hcinÍK roiundatfc, corbc«i:, glabra,
CÍH.11.T, corolh nnilio brevion-s.
PMh oblonga, acula, palci.lñ, virldia; imusalbicamb, suminlbii? longiora.
ru,m,„:a K ad rcco|.iaculu gcnm„i adpn«in.a,o a<l,»a, l.usi intercluir, in i.l,ab„gcs
coaliia, conipi-cssinscnh, glal.ia, alba- AAui lineares, jciiik.
Gm^iSiipcnim. oblongin.i, glabruui. Sty(mcm%K,s. bicvis. SiiVm« ovale, sulcis phirimii
nbsolcic noulnm, rasgnura, viicns.
Bau„ globosa, nti-inque parnm depreca, cor.icc inte.io.i <luro, in bcnlatnc.U ad
Intra pulpan! luleam, divisa. Smka pluvinia, ovau, con.p.essiuscula, villosa.
Limi.snpi'l. 2S3.
Wo.idy of the Telingas.
Trunk, as also the branches, very irregular both in size and shape.
Barh light-ash-colour'd ; young shoots covered with whitish
Leaves opposite, fwther'd with an odd one, about six inches long,
Leqjlels oiJposite, iVom two to thiee pair, nearly orbicular,
intire, downy: from one to two inches long, and about as
Raceme terminal, erect, as long as the leaves, few-Eower'd.
Flowers white, pretty large.
Calyx, a spath, two-thirds open on the convex side.
Tube of the Carol longer than the calyx, cyliudric; border flat:
divisions equal, oblong.
^Klary, a dark-purple, fleshy ring surrounds the base of the
Stmnaii: there is a fifth sterile filament. Anlkers oval.
Sli^vta iwo-lobed.
Silique linear, about a foot long, pendulous, twisted in various
This is a small, ill-looking, thin tree, a native of most of the
forests over the Coast; flowers during the hot season-
Trunk straight, and of considerable height. Bark grey, with a few
scabrous spots.
Branches numerous, spreading, forming a large shady head.
Leaves about the exireinities of the branchlets, generally three-fold,
feather'd with an odd one, from twelve to twenty-four inches
long. Lcajlets from four to five pair, opposite, oblong, saw'd,
acute, smooth.
Fmdcle terminal, erect, large, dense, many-fiowei'd, very downy,
large, rose-colour'd, delighti'nlly fragrant.
Calyx generally two-paned, with the upper lip two-cleft, very
Carol: border fivc-paried: divisions equal, with their margins elegantly
Slameiis: here is also a fifth sterile filament. Anthers double.
Mclary as in Bignonia spathacea.
Stigma two-cleft
Silique ercct, straight, linear, pointed, pretty smooth; twelve inches
long, two broad, and half an inch thick, four-cell'd, twovalved
; the dissepimentum is enlarged in the middle of each
side, witli a sharp ridge, wliich touches the sides of the valves,
dividing each of the usual cells into two; into these ridges
the seeds are affi.xed.
This is a large tree, a native of the Circar mountains; flowers
during the beginning of the hot season.
The wood is employetl for many purposes by the natives.
Obeera of ihe Telingas.
Stem woody, perennial, sliort, irregular.
Branches opposite, exactly four-sided, rough. The height of the
^vhole plant is from two to four feet.
Leaves opposite, petioled, hearted, sawVI, covered with stiff-hook"cl
hairs, from one to three inches long, and from one to two
Feliole channel'd, rough.
Raceme terminal, or in the cleft of the exterior branchlets, erect,
very long, rachis four-sided, rough.
Bractes solitary, one-flower'd.
Flotocrs, towards the bottom of the raceme, remote; above approximated,
small, white.
Perianth one-!eaved, oblong, bellied, five-angled, five-groov'd, fivetooth'd,
covered with stiff, white hairs, permanent, closing,
and enlarging with the fruit, which it entirely covers.
Carol one-petal'd: tube cylindric, rather longer than the calyx,
twisted near the apex, a little curved ; border five-parted :
divisions invetse-egg'd, equal.
Filamaih four, in the upper bent part of the tube: two longer, and
two shorter. Anthers round, two-lobed, approach by pairs.
Genu above, four-lobed. Style length of the tube. Stigma large,
two-lipp'd: the upper very short, the under long, broad,
recur v'd.
Drupe dry, two-lobed, hid in the withered, inflated, dosed caly.x,
nut-like, laterally hedge-hog'd ; each lobe two-partible.
Seeds, one in each division of the nut, oblong, tapering towards
each end, a little bent.
I have only found it in the vicinity of Samulcotiah on the terraces
of old walls of pagodas; flowers during the wet and cold
seasons. While young it is a fair looking plant.
1 have not found it put to any use.
Narra Alaghy of the Telingas.
Leaves scatter'd near the extremities of the branchlets, petioled. oval,
obtuse, smooth, above shining, from three to five inches long,
and from two to three broad. Petiole three quarters of an inch
long, round, smooth.
SUjmles none.
Peduncle solitary, axillary, length of the petiole, thrce-or four-cleft.
Pedicels rather shorter tlian the pedtmcles, clubb'd, each supporting
a small head, or umbellet of minute florets.
Brack, a small one at the insertion of each pedicel.
Involucre four-leaved, containing from eight to twelve pedicel'd
florets: leaves orbicular, concave, falling. Fenanlh none.
Carol mnt.
Filamcils fro,n ten to sixteen, hairy, erect, united near the base
with the pedicels of the nectari.il glands into a tube.
AnUiers Ibur-lobed, four-cell'd, with an oval lid to each cell.
^ ' DitTcs fromTeiontliera lain ¡folia. >y„ . hcrt. Schocinm,. i. p. S9. ¡ah. ii j. ii, l.av-
Mclanalglands from six to sixteen, short-pedicel'd, oval, targeted,
alternate with the filamenis, but three times shorter.
Phlil none.
UmbeUels and Involucre as in the male.
Ha'nj fdaments as in the male, but instead of anthers are oblong
white glands.
Xectarialglands as in ihe male.
Germ above, globular. Style twice the length of the filaments
Stigma torn,
Berry globular, smootli, black when ripe, almost dry, one-cell'd,
size of a pea, resting on the club'd pedicel, as on a cup, like
the acorn.
Seedont, globular.
This grows to a middle sized tree
parts of the Circars. Flowers in Jui
e of Ihe
Narra Mamady of the Telingas.
Trunk erect. Bark dark-greenish, rust colour, smooth.
Leaves alternate, short-petioled. oblong, entire, above preity smooth,
below somewhat downy, from four to six inches long, and
from two to three broad.
^^¿««c/« axillary, numerous, short, undivided.
Bracle, a small rusty-colour'd, downy one, at the insertion of each
Involucrc five-leaved, containing six pedicel'd florets ; leaves oval,
concave, falling. Pedicels clubb'd, woolly. Perianth none.
Carol one-petal'd, funnel-form: tube short, hairy; bolder five-cleft:
divisions oblong, downy.
Filaments from eight to ten. longer than the corol, inserted into the
mouth of the tube, alternately with the nectarial glands.
Mclurialglands as in the former.
Pislil: the rudiment of one only.
Involucre, Corol, atid Melar ini glands, as in the
Filament Is mimile. number ver
Berry ar id Seed as in the form,
This is also a I niddle sized
time the hot seaso
The 1: >ark o f thi s species is u
for the c ure of diarrhoeas ; its t
viihout anthers.
siderable degree o f a balsamic s
Wood white, pretty hard.
native of vallics. Flowering
:l.by the hi
te is mildly
in substance.
Lamarck encyclaj). I. j>. ¡g.
Nella (or black) Tooma of the Telingas.
Trunk in general crooked ; Bark scabrous, and era
wardiy of a dark rust-colour.