Pag. 63 lin. 3 ab inf. loco ,,in Austria“ lege ad Charas in lacu Traunsee
Austriae super, (de Heufler).
6 6 - 6 adde: ad Kilonium (J. Luders), et lin. 4 ab inf. adde:
Rabenh. Alg. N. 1717.
67 - 19 loco ,,in 0 ,0 0 0 1 " “ lege in 0,001", et adde: d. forma
a latere oblongo-elliptioa, ad '/47'" = 0,0019" longa,
i/ i36"' = 0,00065" orassa.
Hab. inter Hypheotriohem ad stagni marginem prope
Mentone (Dr. Boettcher).
- — - 2 ab inf. loco ,,ooellatis“ lege ooellata.
- — - 5 ab inf. loco „maximis“ lege maxima.
69 - 1 ab inf. loco ,,Austriae“ lege Styriae.
- 70 - 11 ab inf. loco ,,Austriae“ lege Styriae.
- 71 - 19 loco ,,Terra“ lege Serra.
- 72 - 10 loco ,,parallelum“ lege parallela.
- — - 2 0 loco ,,majus“ lege major, et adde:
C. sexundulata Orun. (in Eabenh. Beitr. II. p. 5.).
d. octoundulata Orun. (1. o.), ad 0,0061" longa.
- — - 3 ab inf. adde : in oollioiis thermarum : Baden - Baden
- 7 4 - 9 loco ,,minus“ lege minor.
- — - 16 adde: Eabenh. Alg. N. 1801.
- — - 1 1 ab inf. loco ,,Sootiaet“ lege Scotio et.
- 77 - 6 adde; Grunow in Rahenh. Beitr. II. p. 7.
78 post ,,b. naviouliformis“ inséré;
c. forma maxima (Eabenh. Alg. F. 1701.), '/a2'" =
0,00275" longa, '/lOo"' = 0,0008" lata.
Hab. in stagnis turfosis prope Neukirch Lusatiae
superioris (M. Eostook).
79 lin. 14 ab inf. adde: Rabenh. Alg. FT. 1721 et lin. 11 adde; in
fontibus prope Berndorf Austr. inferioris (A. Grunow).
- — - 1 ab inf. adde; Eabenh. Alg. N. 1828.
- 85 - 6 ab inf. adde; Erb. critt. ital. FT. 1342!
95 - 4 adde: in collioiis thermarum; Baden-Baden (Suringar).
- 99 - 20 ab inf. adde: Rabenh. Alg. FT. 1895.
- 100 - 10 ah inf. adde: Eabenh. Alg. FT. 1763 et lin. 7 adde: in
portu Kiloniensi (J. Luders). *
- 101 - 16 adde: Eabenh. Alg. N. 1692. Erb. critt. ital. N, 1344!
Pag. 110 lin. 3 ah inf. loco ,,rhomboidibus“ lege rhomboidalibus ; lin. 11
looo ,,Austriae“ lege Hungariae; lin. 16 adde: Rabenh.
Alg. N. 1719.
- 113 - 7 adde: ad Zwickau Saxoniae (G. Kreischer).
116 adde: De Odontidio oonf. Schumann in Königsb. Verh.
p. 184.
— lin. 16 ab inf. adde: Erb. critt. ital. N. 1342 1
- 118 - 10 adde: Erb. critt. ital. Fl. 1256! et lin. 6 ab inf. adde:
Erb. critt. ital. N. 1455!
119 - 8 adde: Eabenh. Alg. FT. 1803.
123 - 4 adde; Rabenh. Alg. FT. 1696.
- 127 - 3 adde; Eabenh. Alg. N. 1821 et lin. 13 adde: Eabenh.
Alg. N. 1822.
- 128 - 12 ab inf. dele: mihi ignota; lin. 1 0 ab inf. adde: prope
Dresdam, ad Kamnitz Bohemiae (Hantzsch).
131 - 11 adde; Hohenaoker Alg. mar. N. 451!
137 - 7 ab inf. adde: Eabenh. Alg. N. 1691 et lin. 16 adde;
Erb. critt. ital. FT. 1322! Rabenh. Alg. FT. 1932.
- 142 - 6 ab inf. loco ,,linearibus apicibus, tumidulis“ lege linearibus,
apicibus tumidulis.
- 144 - 3 ab inf. adde: Rabenh. Alg. N. 1698.
146 - 2 ab inf. adde: Eabenh. Alg. Ff. 1714.
- 147 - 11 looo ,¡punctata“ lege punotatae; lin. 19 post „FTeusiedler
See“ adde; Hungariae.
148 - 20 adde: Eabenh. Alg. Ff. 1725 et lin 27 adde: Eabenh.
Alg. N. 1715; lin. 31 adde: in portu prope „Dieppe“
Galliae (A. Grunow).
- 152 - 13 ab inf. adde; Eabenh. Alg. Ff. 1711.
- 153 post. lin. 8 insere: c. putrida (Synedra putrida Cohn in FTov.
Act. XXIV. 1. p. 247. T. XV. F. 17.), forma minor,
Hab. iu Fuois putridis (Ferd. Cohn).
■ 155 lin. 17 pro „409“ lege 109.
- 156 post „Ff. ourvula o.“ insere: d. forma parva Orun. (in Rabenh.
Alg. Ff. 1712.
- 164 lin. 6 adde: in rivulo salso prope Sondershausen Thuringiae
(Cohn) et lin. 7 adde; Pleurosigma reversum Pritch.
Inf. 917. Greg. Diat. of the Cl. T. VI. F. 105.
167 - 15 adde: in aqua duloi ad Stuttgart (Th. Eulenstein).