** Stem flexuous, pruinose at the apex.
639. caudatus, Fr. . 637
640. pronus, Fr. . 656
641. fempyreumaticus, B. t} Br. . 657a
(.disseminatus, Pers. . 6575
642. atomatus, Fr. . 638
643. crenatus, Lasch. . . 847
G e n u s 2 . C O P R IN U S , Fr. . Hymenophore distinct from
the stem. Gills membranaceous, at first coherent from
pressure, scissile, then dissolving into a black fluid.
Trama obsolete. Spores oval, even, black. For the most
part growing on dung.
Tribe i. Pelliculosi. Gills covered above with a fleshy or
membianaceous cuticle, hence the pileus not furrowed
along the gills, but torn and revolute.
* C o m a t i. Volva taking form of a ring. Cuticle o f
the pileus torn into scales.
644. comatus, Fr. , . _ 653
645. ovatus, Schceff. . . . 659
646. sterquilinus, Fr. . . . 660
647. oblectus, Bolt. . . . 661
** A t r a m e n t a r i i . Somewhat ringed ( without volva).
Pileus spotted with minute innate punctate scales.
648. atramentarius, Fr. . . 6 62
649. soboliferus, Fr. . ' . . 848
650. fuscescens, Fr. . . . 663
651. ,, var. rimoso-squamosus, C. 664
*n* P ic a c e i . Universal veil flocculose, at first continuous',
then Irolcen in an areolate manner into
superficial scales on the pileus,
652. picaceus, Bull. . . . 665
653. aphthosus, Fr. . . . 666
654. flocculosus, D.C. . . . 667
similis, B. § Br, . . ,_____
I f T o m e n t o s i. Pileus at first veiled with distinct
■ flocci or a loose evanescent villosity. Bing
655. exstinctorius, Bull. - . . 6 6 8
, —7—- fimetarius, Linn. . . ■—^—
656. „ var. pullatus, Bolt. . 669
657. ,, ' var. macrorhizus, Pers. . 670
658.. „ var. cinereus, Schceff. . 671
659 rtomentos-U8> Bull,. . . 672a
|niveus, Pers. . . . 672b
cothurnatus, Godey. . . ------
M ic a c e i . Pileus covered with evanescent
micaceous scales or granul0m Bing none.
660. micaceus, Bull. . . . 6 7 3
661, 662. aratus, B. Br. . . 674, 675
f r a d i a n s , Desm. , . . 676a
I p a p i i l a tU s , Batsch. . . 6765
. G la b ra ti. Pileus smooth, without floccose or
micaceous scales. Veil none.
664. alternatus, Schum. . . 677
665. deliquescens, Bull. . . 6 7 8
6 6 6 . tardus, KarwM . . . 719
667.; congregatus, Bull. . . 6 79
Tribe ii. Velifoi'mes. Pileus very thin, without pellicle,
at lengtSfurrowed along the back of the gills, plicately
sulcate. Stem thin, fistulose. Gills melting into very
thin lines.
* Oyolodei. Stem ringed or volvate.
6 6 8 . Hendersonii, Berk. . , 680a
** L a n a tu li. Pileus veiled with evanescent superficial
fioCci. Gills firm. No ring.
669. lagopns, Fr.
6 6 8 b. n a r c o t i c u s , Batsch.
q j q fm a c rQ c e p h a lu s , Berk
‘ cnycthemerus, Fr. .
g -j fradiatus, Bolt, ■ .
' j_Spraguei, Berk. - .
F u r e u r e lli. Pileus micaceous, or mealy.- Gills
often adnate to a collar formed by the dilated
apex o f the stein -. No ring.
672. dbmesticus,
673. mfstBerMcoir arius,’ rBn ull. (.epnemerus, F r.
spciatus, Fr.
R74. rplicaUlisÿjC'ïwt.
^^^^Kilifonnis, B. Br.
685 5
. 6 8 6 a
. 6865
H e m e r o b i i . Pileus always smooth. No ring.
675a. hemggobius, Fr. . . . 687a
** Not mdigenov^M
6755. platypus, Berk. . . . 6875
G en u s 3. H IA T U L A , Fr. Pileus very thin, without
pellicle,, formed by the junction of the back of the gills,
veil-like when expanded and splitting as in delicate
Coprini, but not melting.- Spores white.
676. Wynnei, B. fy Br. ,