828. privignus, Fr. ' ' . 827
829. duracinus, Fr, . 809
830. illuminus, Fr. . 841
831. tortuosus, Fr. . 857
832. dilutus, Per s. ., . 810
Stem and gills commonly becoming violet
833. saturninus, Fr. . 828
834. imbntus, Fr. . 870
835. castaneus, Bull. . ■ . 842
836. bicolor, Cooke . 8205,871
^ Stem and almost obsolete veil yellow or rufous.
' 837. balaustinus, Fr. . . 794
838. colus, Fr'. . 795
839. isabeilinus, Batsch. . 829
840. renidens, Fr. . 782
Stem becoming dusky, cortina pallidly dinar or
white (not yellow), gills dark.
841. uraceus, Fr. . 796
842. jubarinus, Fr. . 797
843. pateriformis, Fr. . .. 858\
844. unimodus, Britz. . . 859
I I . T e n u io e e s . Pileus rather membranaceous, conical,
then expanded, umbo acute, or rarely
obtuse and evanescent, margin at first siraiglit,
stem nearly equal, or attenuated at the base. -
* Stem white.
845. dolabratus, Fr. 811
846. rigens, Per s. . 812
847. Krombholzii, Fr. 813
848. ■i Reedii, Berk. . 843«
leucçpus, Bull. . . . . 8435
849. scandens, Fr. 830 ■
** Stem becoming violet or reddish.
850. I.erythrinus, Fr. . 798«
decipiens, Per s. . 7985
851. germanus, Fr. -844
*#* Stem becoming yellowish, common.ly growing pale.
------ detonsus, F r. .___
852. - obtusus, Fr. 845«
acutus, Pers. . . , 8455
| | Stem becoming dusky.
853. -' Junghuhnii, Fr. . 846«
^milvinus, Fr. . . . 8465
854. depressus, Fr. . . , 860
855. fasciatus, Fr. ■ .- . . 814
Genus 6. GOJSSPKSSIUS, Fr. H ym e n o p h o re d e c u r r e n t
in to th e s tem . G iils composed of a mucilaginous membrane,.
scissile, w ith a c o n tin u o u s a c u te edge, p ru in a te w ith th e '
b la c k ish fusiform spores. V e il viscid-floecose.
856. glutinosus, Schceff. . . 8 7 9
857. var. roseus, Krombh. -. 880
858. viscidus, Linn. . . . 881
859. maculate,s, Scop. . . . 882
860. gracilis, Berk. . . . 883
G e n u s 7 . PAXILLUS, Fr. Hymenophore continuous
with the stem, idecurrent. Gills membranaceous, scissile,
s o m e w h a t Branched and here and there anastomosing
behind, distinct, from the hymenophore, and easily parting
from it. Spores dirty whitish or ferruginous.
Tribe i. Lepistci. Pileus entire, central, spores dingy.
C l ito c y b e i. Gillf:decurrent, .
■ 861. lep ista , Fr.
862. extenuatus, Fr.
863«. patunolus, Fr,
■ B 9 spilomseolus, Fr.
8635. orcelloides, Cooke
864. lividii! ( í
865. revolutas, Cooke- . ■; .
Tribe ii. Tapmia. Pileus commonly excentric or resjipi-
natSE Spores ferruginous.
8 6 6 . paradoxus, Kalch, - . 884
867. involutu% Batsgh,. . 875
8 6 8 . leptqpÿg, Fr. . . 929
869. atrotomenpsus, Batsch. . . 876
'870. cras^ffltFV. . • . 877
871. panuoides, Fr. . 878
------ fagi, B. Br. ■ -----
G e n u s 8 . HYGS.0PH0S.US, Fr. Hymenophore continuous
with the 'S tem , and descendinSinti) the gills in an
unchanged trauia. Gils acute at the edge, clothed with
a hymenium which is changed into a waxy mass, not membranaceous,
and separable from the trama. ' Spores globose
(or subglobose) whit||5||
I . L im a c ium , Fr. Universal veil viscid, with occa-
a fl°ccose partial one, annular of marginal.
Stem clad with scales or often upwards
rough with dots. Gills adnate de-current.
8 7 4 5