781. uliginosus, Berk. . . 851
7765. orellanus, Fr. . . . 7 8 7 6
782. infucatus, Fr. . . . 781
I f Becoming olive, veil dirty, pallid, or dingy. Pileus
not tom into scales.
788. cotoneus, Fr. . . . 7 4 9
784. ' subnotatus, Pers. . . 832
785. valgus, Fr. . . , 7 5 0
786 ( Taphanoides, p e r s _ I I ggga
' („.vveennetus, Fr.
Tribe v. Telamonia. Pileus moist, hygrophanous, at first
smooth, or sprinkled with the whitish superficial fibrils off
the veil. Flesh thin throughout, or only abruptly at the
margin (not equally attenuated), scissife stem ringed below
or peronately scaly from the universal veil, somewhat
cortinate at the apex, hence with almost a double veil.
I . P l a t y p h y l l i . Gills very broad, rather thick,
more or less distant. Stem spongy, or wholly
* Stem and cortina white or whitish.
787. macropus, Fr. 788
788. laniger, Fr. . 800
789. bivelus, Fr. , . . 852
790. bulbosus, Sow. . . . . 834
791. urbicus, Fr. 818
792. licinipes, Bull. . , . . 819
793. microcycius, Fr. . 865
** Stem and gills violet, cortina commonly whits',
becoming violet, but universal veil white.
794. torvus, Fr. 801
795. 'impennis, Fr. 853
.plumiger, Fr.
scutulatus, Fr. 820a
797, 798. evernius, Fr. . .. 821,86&
799. quadricolor, Scop. 867
*%* Stem and veil red or yellow. Gills tawny or
cinnamon, not violet nor becoming brown.
800. armillatus, Fr. 802
801. hæmatochelis, Bull. . si ■:iv-
802. ■ '
limonius, Fr. 804a
.helvolus, Bull. . 8046
803. hinnuleus, Fr. ' . 805
804. gentilisv'idr. . . ■ ‘ . 806-
805. helvelloides, Fr. . 836
806. rubellus, Con' . 835
| | Stem becoming dusky, veil dusky or dingy, gills
807. bovinus, Fr. . . . 822
808. nitrosus,»C'oo£g . . . 837
809. injucundus, Weinm. . . 823
810,811. brunneus, Pers. . . 854,868
812. glandicolor, Fr. . . . 789
813. punctatusj jPgrs. . . . 855
I I . LEPTfigHYLLi. Gills narrow, thin, more or less
crowded. Pileus thin. Stem more rigid externally,
somewhat cartilaginous, ¿stuffed or
hollow, often attenuated downwards.
* Stem whitish, pallid, not Jloccosely scaly.
814. triformis, Schceff. . . 7 9 0
815. biformis, Fr. . . . 869
** Stem becoming i l l let.
816. perisceles, Fr. . . . 838
e 17 j flexigSB, Pefat i ,. . . . 824a
’ ( flabellus, Fr. . . . 8246
Stem and pileus tawny, ferruginous.
g lg ( psammocephalus, Bull, . . 839a
' (iliopodius, Bull, , . . 8396
819. incisuSj P r , . . . 807
| | Stem floe&qsely scaly, and as well as the pileus becoming
820. hemitrichus, Fr. . . . 825
821a.i stemmatus, Fr. , . . 840a
822. rigid us, Fr. . . _ 7 9 J
823. paleaceus, Fr. . , . 826
8216. Cookei, Qv.elet . . . 8406
Tiibe vi. Hydrotiybe. Pileus smooth, or covered with super
ficial white fibrils, not viscid, but moist when growing
becoming discoloured when dry; flesh very thin or scissile
rarely with a compacter disc. Stem rather rigid, not
peronate ; Cortina thin, fijMllose, rarely collapsed in an
irregular ring.
I . F ir m io b e s . Pileus rather fleshy, convex or
campanulate convex, then expanded, obtuse,
or at length gibbous, margin at first incurved.
btem (m most) attenuated upwards.
Stem whi te, cortina o f the same colour.
824. firmus, . 7 9 2
825. subferrugineus, Batsch. . . 808
826. armeniacus, Schceff. . ’ 7 9 3
827. damascenus, Fr. . , , 856