135 V. PhytograpMa et Iconographia, 136 137 V, Beschreibende utid bildliche Darstellung. 138
, tinsel • :'
I S : ,
k^immn ...Il
\iÍt 4 n^r
íH 1
< ; '
a ;
tiiim, quae post Rajimi observât.
fiiere. Lond. 56 p.
( R. Gott. gel. Am. 1765. p* 296.)
.. 1764. (ANONYM): Flora Anglica, ou
flore anglaise contenant les plantes,
qui croissent naturellement dans le
royaume d'Angleterre distribuée suivant
le système sexuel. Lond, 8.
1769. HILL (John) : Herbarium britanicum,
Lo7id. gr. 8. II Tom. c. fig.
(8 Thl. 12 gr.)
1770. EDWARDS (JoJmJx The britisli
herbal, containing one hundred
plats of the most beautiful and siarce
flowers and usefuj medicinal plants.
Lond. 60 p. c. tab. aen. color. 100.
(R, Beclan- physik. okon. BibL IX. 221.)
1771. WARNER. ( Rich. ) : Plantae
Woodfordienses, or a Catalogue of
the more perfect plants growing
spontaneously about Woodford in
Essex. Lond. 8. p. 2S8.
1774. CULLUM (Thojji. Gery): Flo-
Tae Anglicae specimen imperfectum
inchoatum. Land. 8.
1774. CURTIS (/FiZZ.): A catalogue
of the plants growing wild in the
environs of London. Land. 8. p. 40.
1775. JENKINSON {Jam.): Description
of british plants. Kendel ^ 8.
I Tom. p. 258. c. tab. aen. 5.
1775. WESTON (Z^ZCA.): The english
flora. Land. I Vol. 8. Suppl. 1780.
1776. ( ANONYM) : A generic and
specific description of british plants
translated from the genera et species
plant. Linn. Land. 8.
1776. WITHERING {WilL)\ A botanical
arrangement of all the vegetables
naturally growing in Great-
charact. places etc. Yorlc^ gr. 8. p.
330. tab. aen. V.
Britain. Biriîiingh. Vol. I. p. XGVI
e t S8S, Vol. 11.^ p. 385-838. c. tab.
aen. XII. A botanical arrangement
of british plants; ih. 1787. Vol. I.
p . 484. Vol. I L p. 485-1151. Vol. III.
p. cLvii et 503. c. tab. 3-19. Vol. IV.
1777. CURTIS {Wilh) \ Flora Londinensis,
or plates and descriptions
of such plants, as ^row wild in the
environs of London. Land, VI Thle.
in 2 Bdn. m. 435 ill. Kpf. (Bios 300
Exemplare, D. Verf. starb 1799, ohne
es zu beendigen.) ib. et continuatio
a Will. Hocker. 1815-20. fol. Part.
1-44. col. plat.
(F.. Gott. gel. Anz. 1777. Zugabe p. 542.
1784. p. 1965. [II. 1641. — Heckm. physikal.
ökon. Eibl. VIL 552.)
1777. ROBSON The british
flora, containing the select names,
1777. JACOB {Edti^.) : Plantae Favershamienses,
a Catalogue of the more
perfect plantes growing spontaneously
about Faversham in the Comity
of Kent with append. Lond. 8.
p. 127.
1778. WALCOTT {John)x Flora Britannica.
Bath, 8. I Tom. c. 168 tab.
1781. WILMER (B.): Observât, on
the poisonours vegetables which are
either indigenous in great Britain
or cultivated for ornement. Lond. 8.
1782. CURTIS {JVill.)x A catalogue
of certain plants, growing wild, chiefly
in the environs of Settle in Yorkshire,
observed in a six weeks botanical
excursion. Lond. fol. l-^ plag.
1782. BROUGHTON {Arthur): Enchiridion
botanicum, complectens characteres
genericos et specificos plantarum
per Ínsulas britannicas sponte
nascentium, ex Linn, aliisque desumptos.
Lond. 8. 226 p.
1785. RELHAN (ßZ'C//.): Flora Cantabrigiensis
exhibens plantas agro
Cantabrigiensi indígenas secundum
system, sexuale digestas. Cantab. 8.
T. I. p. 490. c. tab. aen. 7. Suppl.
ib. 1786. 8. p. 39. Suppl. 11. ih.
1788. 8. p. 36. Suppl. IIL ib. 8. 1793.
p. 44.
1788. DIKSON {...): Plantarum
cryptogam. Britanniae. Turici gr. 8.
II fase, (à 14 gr.)
• 1790. SMITH {Jam. Ed.) aud SOWERBY
{Jam,)x Enlish botany; or coloured
figures of british plants; with their
essential characters, synoyms and places
of growth. The figures by J.
Sowerby. Lond. 36 Tom. 2592 Nr.
(55 L. 7 sh.)
(R. Allg. Hall. Lit.-Zeit. 1804. Nr. 181,
182. 1805. Nr. 273. Í816. Nr. 282. — Göt t .
gel. Anz. 1794. p. 380, 1014. 1797. I. 553,
596- 1799. I I I . 15^1. 1800. II. 1057.)
1790. MILNE {Colin) and GORDON
{Alex.): Indigenous botany; or habitations
of english plants: Containing
the re.sult of the botanical excursions
chiefly in Kent, Middlesex
and the adjacent countires. Lond. 8.
I Vol. p. 476.
(R. Gott. gel. Anz. 1795. HI . 2187.)
1794. LIBTHORP (Joa.): Flora Oxon.
exhibens plantas in agro Oxoniensi
sponte crescentes, secimdum systema
sexuale distributas. Oxonii^ 8.
p. 422.
\ b , Gotting, gel. Anz. 1795. II. 13520.)
1797. FREMEN {Miss Charlotte):
Select specimen of british plants.
Lond. fol. - , „ -I
- 1798. ABBOT (CharL): Flo'ra Bedfordiensis
comprehending such plants
as grow wild in the counts of Bedford.
Bedford. 8. (6 s. 6 d.)
1798. SYMONS {Jedlinger) X Synopsis
plantarum insulis Britannicis indigenarum.
Lond. 8. T. I.
1799. HULL {John): The britisch
flora or a Linnean arrangement of
British plants. Manchester^ 8. IT.
p. 449.
• 1800. SMITH {Jam. Edw.)x Compendium
florae Britannicae. Lond. 8.
I Tom. (Schrbp. 1 Thl. 4 gr.,. Velinp.
1 Thl. 20 gr.) Erlang. 1801. 12. ed.
G.F.Hoffmann. Lond. 1816. 8. — IB.
1818 8 P 194
( ü / G ö t t i n g . gel. Anz 180L I L 1092. 1820.
I 447 — Neue Allg. deutsche Bibl.
LXXVIII. 130.) ^ _
1800. MAVOR ( mil. ) : The Lady
and Gentleman's botanical Pocket
Book, adapted to Witherings arrangement
of british plants 5 intended
to facilitate and promote the study
of ingenous botany. Lond. 12.
Tonbridgensis, List of the rare
plants in the neighbourhood of Tondbridge
Wells. Lond. 12.
1803. DILLWYN (£. TT.) WEBER
{M. H') et MOHR (P.) : Grossbritannische
Conferven. Gött. 4 Hefte. 8.
(à 20 gr.)
1804. SMITH {Jam. Edw.): Flora
britannica. Lond. 8. 3 Voi. (5 Thl.
8 gr.)
1805. (Dawson) and DILLwxN
{L. W.): The botanist's guide
trough England and Wales. Lond. 8.
II Tom. — ih. 1816. 8.
1806. GALPINE {John): A synoptical
compendium of british botany
(from the class Mqnandria to Poly-i
gamia inclusive) arranged after the
Linnean System^ and containing the
essential characters of the genera,
the specific characters, english names,
places and growth, soil and
situation, colour of the flowers,
times of flowering, duration, and
reference to figures. Lond. 12. — ib.
1823. (10 s. 6 d.)
(il. Ferussac. Bullet, gener. et umvers.
des Annonces. Par. 1823. Nr. VII.)
1812. WITHERING {JFill.): Systematic
arrangenxent of british plants,
corrected and enlarged by his son.
Lmd. 8. 4 B. mit K]>L
1812. THORNTON (Bob.): The british
flora; or the genera and species
of british plants arranged after
the reformed sexual system. Lond.
8. V Vol.
1819. WINCH {N. J.): An Essay on.
the geographical distribut. of plants
through the counties of Northumberland,
Cumberland and Ducham, Neu^-
castle^ 8.
1822. GRAY {S. F.): A. natural arrangement
of british plants; etc.
Lond. 8, II Tom.
(R Ferussac Bullet, gen. et univ. des
Annonces. Paris. 1823. Nr . 3.)
1824. SMITH {Jam. Edw.): The
english flora. Lond. 8. Vol. I et II-
18^5. Vol. III.
(il. Linn. Journ. £ d. Bot. 1826. I B. 111.
18^5. WATSON (P. W.): Dendrologia
britannica or Trees and Shrubs
that will live in the open air of Britain
throughout the year. Lond, 8.
II Vol. 172 color. Plats.
1826. TOHNS (PVilL): Practical botany;
an improved arrangement of
the generic characters of british
plants; with a familiar Introduction
to the Linnean System. Lond. 8. 155 p.
(9 s.)
(R The monthly Review. Decemb. 1826.
Nr. XIV. p. 437.)
5. Flora Scotica.
Floreil von
1777. LIGHTFOOT (/OATZ) : Flora scotica
or a systematic arrangement
in the Linnaean method of the native
plants of Scotland and the Hebrides.
Lond. 8. T. I. p. 1-530. tab.
aen. I-XXIIL T. IL p. 531-1151.
1813. HopKiEK(T/¿o;rí.): Flora Glottiana.
A catalogue of the indigenous
plants on the banks of the revier
Clyde, and in the neighbourhood
of the city of Glasgow. Glasgow, 8.
170 p. (2 Thl. 12 gr.)
(R. Ergansungsbl. der Jen. Allg. Lit.-Z.
' 1819. Nr. 89. p. 322.)
1821. HOOKER {PFill. Jaks): Flora
Scotica. Lond. 4, I Tom. (14
(R Ferussac Bullet, gen. et univers. des
Annonces. Par., 1823. Nr . 3.)
6. Flora Ilihernica.
1727. THRELKELÜ (Caleb) : [Synopsis
stirpium Hybernicarum, alphabetice
dispositarum, sive de plaulis
k. Ihíí..
üJ: "IH::,
J-' -L.
i;- -"""''i:!;
' > >1