131 V, Phytograptiia et Icouographia, 132 j 133 ^y. Beschreibende und bildliche Darstellung, 134
W.4 --lrli-ialJcSliTJiC? • ;1 ij'fi«-^
des plantes-du Depart, do TEure,
Par. 12.
1823. BARON ( • . . ) ' ^^^
part. méridionaux de la France,, et
principalement de celui de Tarn
et Garonne, ou description des plantes
qui croissent naturellement dans ce
département et de celles qu'on cultive
communément dans les jardins,
disposées suivant le système sexuel
de Linnée avec une notice précise
de chaque espèce et quelques observations
modernes ajoutées aux caractères
botaniq. qui les distinguent;
à laquelle on à joint l'époque de
leur floraison, la nature du terrain
ou elles naissent, leurs vertus les
moins équivoques en médecine, et
leur utilité dans les arts. Montauban^
8. I Tom. de 31 feuill.
1825. ARNAUD (/. A. M.) : Flore du
Départem. de la Haute-Loire, ou
Tableau des plantes qui y croissent,
disposée suivant la méthode naturelle.
Par. 8.
1825- LOREY et DURET (Z). Î). M.
M.) : Catalogue des plantes qui croissent
naturellement dans le depart,
de la Cote d'or, et des espèces les
plus généralement cultivées, observées
jusqu'au jour d'hui. Dijon.
1826. BENTHAM (George) : Catalogue
des plantes indigènes des Pyrenéçs
et du Bas-Languedoc avec des
notes et observations sur les espèces
nouvelles peu connues, précédé d'une
notice sur un voyage botanique fait
dans les Pyrenées pendant l'été de
1825. Par. 8. 128 p. (3 fr.)
(R, Rev. Encyclopéd. 1826. IV. 437. —
' LinneaJourn. f. d. Bot. II B. III H.
1827. p. 501. — Allg. Repert. 1827. II.
834.) ^
1826. CHEVALLIER (F. F.)t Flore
générale des environs de Paris, se-
^on la méthode naturelle etc. accompagnée
de 18 tabi, iconograph. Par,
8, T. L (12 fr., avec fïg. coL 16 fr.)
4. Flora Anglica. Flora von
1632. JOHNSON {Thom.) \ Plantae in
Criceto Hamstediano crescentes, quas
iuvestigavit in itinere suo in agrum
Cantianum. Lond,
1650, ilo\v(miI.)t PhytologiaBritannica,
natales exhibens indigenarum
stirpium sponte emergentium.
Lond. 12. 133 p.
1660, WRAY {John.) : Catalogusplantarum
circa Cantabrigiam nascentium.
Cantabrig. 12. 182 p. cum indicib.
103 p. 12. I Anhang 1663 mit
ein. Zusätze v. 42 Pflanzen. II Anh.
1685 mit einem Zusätze v. 60 Pflanzen.
1664. TURNER Botanologia,
the british Physician; or the nature
and virtues of English plants; exactly
describing such as grow naturally
in the land with their several
names, greek, latin, or english? natures,
places, where they flourish,
and are most proper to be gathered;
their degrees of temperature, applications,
and virtues, physical and
ostrogical uses treated of etc. Land*
1655. LAVELL (Rob,): Enchiridion
botanicum, Oxoniens. Oxon.
1670. RAJUS (3oa.) : Catalogus plantarumAngliae
et insularum ad^acentium,
Lond. 8. p. 133. — ib. 1677. 8.
p. 311. c, tab. aen. IL
1680. MORISSON {iloh,)\ Plantarum
historia universalis Oxoniensis. Oxoru
fol. Ill Tom. c. 314 icon.
(il. Act. Erud. 1732. p. 477J
^1680. LANGFOND (i'.): Plain and
full instructions to raise all forts, of
fruit, trees that prosper in England.
Lond. - ¿¿.1696. 8.
1688. Kajxjs (Joa.) : Fasciculus stirpium
britannicarum post editum plant
a r um Angliae catalogum observatarum.
Lond. 8. 27 p.
1690. — Synopsis methodica stirpium
Britannicarum in qua tum notae
generum characteristicae traduntur,
tum species singulae brevit
e r describuntur CCL plus minus
novae species partim suis locis inseruntur,
partim in appendice seorsim
exhibentur, cum indice et virium
epitome. Lond. 8. p. 317. — ib. 1696.
8. p. 346. — ib. 1724. gr.8. II Tom.
p. 482. c. tab. aen. 24 multis locis
emendata et quadringentis quinquaginta
circiter speciebus noviter detectis
aucta cum iconib.
{R. Gotting, gel. Anz. 1742. p. 73.)
1694. PECHEY (John): The compleat
herbal of physical plants; containing
all such english and foreign
herbs, and shrubs, and trees, asare
used in physic and surgery. Lond. 8.
Amst. 1707,
1702. PETIVER (John): Herbarii
britannici catalogus. Lond, foL
1710. SALMON Th e english
herbal; or history of plants; containing
I Their names, greek, latin^
and english. IL Species, or various
kinds. IIL Descriptions. IV, Places
of growth, V. Times of flowering
find seding. VI. Qualities or properties.
VIL Their specifications. VIII.
Preparations, Galenic and chymic.
IX. Virtues and uses. X. A complet
florilegium of all the choice flowers
cultivated by our florists, interspersed
through the work, in their proper
places, where you have their
culture, choice, increase, and way
of menagement, as well for profit
as delutation, adorned with exquise
icons, or figures of the most considerable
species. Lond. I Vol. p. 680.
11 VoL p. 681-1296. c. fig. lign. inc.
1713. PETIVER (JbÂTz): A catalogue
of Mr. Ray english herbal illustrated
with figures in folio. Lond. fol.
— ib. 1715. — ib. 1732.
1716. — Graminum, muscorum,
et fungorum sub marinorum et britannicorum
concordia. Lond, fol,
1718. RAJUS (Joh,): Syllabus plantarum
britannic. nascent, Lond. 4.
1723. BLAIR (Patrie): Pharmacbbotanologia,
or an alphabetical and
classical dissertation on all the british
indigenous. Lond.
1727. MARTYN (John): Methodus
plantarum circa Cantabrigiam naccent.
Lond. 8. p. 132.
1732. — Tournefort's history of
plants growing about Paris, translated
in the english with many additions,
and accommodated to the plants growing
in Great'Britain Lond. 8. Vol. L
p. 3ri. VoL II. p. 362.
1737. BLACKSTONE (John): Fasciculus
plantarum circa Harsfield sponte
nascentium. Lond, 12, p. 118.
1737. — Plantae rariores Angliae.
Lond, 8. c. tab. aen. II.
(Charles) : A catalogue of plants naturally
growing and commonly cultivated
in divers parts of JEngland,
1744. WILSON (John^x A synapsis
of british plants in Mrs Ray method;
with their characters, descriptions,
places of growth, time of flower
i n g , and physical virtues, according
more especially about Nottingham,
containing the most known latin and
english names of the several plants ;
the tribe they belong to the time
of their flowering ; and of those which
are cither officinales or otherwise
of any known efficacy, such virtues
are briefly mentioned as may be depended
upon etc. Nottingh, 8. p. 264.
1744. WILSON {John) : A botanical
dictionary printed with his synopsis
of british plants. Newcast. 8, p. 14.
c. tab. ling, inc. II.
to the most accurate observa-^
tions, and the best modern authors;
together with a botanical dictionary,
illustrated with several figures. Newcast,
8. p. 272. c. tab. lign. inc. IL
1746. BLACKSTONE {John): Specimen
botanicum, quo plantarum plur
i um rariorum Angliae indigenarum
loci natales illustrantur. Lond.
8. p. 106. c. tab. aen. I.
(JÎ. Getting, gel. Anz. 1746. p. 436.)
1754. (ANONYM): The useful family
herbal or an account of all those
English plants, which are remarkable
for their virtues, and of thé
druys, which are produced by vegetables
of other countries. Lond. 8.
1754. LINNEB (C.): Diss, flora Anglica.
Tips, 4.
1756. HILL (John): British herbal,
containing a complfeat history of the
plants and trees , which are native
of Britain, or cultivated there for
use, disposed in an easy natural method.
Lond. fol. c. 75 iconib. color,
p. 533.
(R, Gott. gel. Anz. 1757. I. 276, 732, 962,
. 1060. 1758. p. 368, 551. — Erlang. gel.
• Beytr. 1757. p. 390.)
Herbarium Britannicum,
exhibens plantas Britann. indígenas,
secundum methodum floralem novam
digestas cum historia, descriptione
etc. Lond. 8. T. L p. 136. cum tab.
aen. 92. T. IL p. 137, tab. 93-195.
(Ä. Zugabe zu den Gott. gel. Aiiz. 1771.
p. cCi.;
1760. — Flor Baritannica seu synopsis
methodica stirpium, sistens arbores
et herbas indigenas et in agris
cultas, secundizm system, sexuale*
Lond, 8. p. 672.
C-R. Comment. Lips. Xl l. 597.)
1762. HUDSON (G.) t Flora Anglica
exhibens plantas per regnum Angliae
sponte crescentesjdistributas secund.
system, sexuale. Lond, gr. 8. 506
— ib. 1778. gr. 8. Tom. I. p.
T. IL p. 335-690.
(ü. Comment. Lips. XII. 599.)'
1763. Maktyn (John): Plantae Cantabrigienses;
herbationes Cantabrigienses,
to which are added a list
of the more rare plants in England
or Wales. Loiid. p. 114.
{R, Gotting, gel. Anz. 1764. H. 896.)
1763. LYONS : Fasciculus plantarum
circa Gantabi^igiam nasceit-
' wìiohÌi:.
^ .l.tKMil;
—••,:jj th'•eii^nitHii ;!!
• 'h
: ii Ì -HIB