lifhed in the abovementioned calendar*; and feveral mif-
takes in that memoir are here corrected.
* A German copy of the treatife alluded to in the text, was fent, by
its author, Mr. Staehlin Counfellor o f State to the Emprefs o f Ruflia, to
the late D r. M a ty ; and it is mentioned, in the Philofophical Tranfadtions
for 1774, under the following title : “ A New Map and Preliminary
“ Defcription o f the New Archipelago in the North, difcovered a few
“ Years ago b y the Ruffians in the N . E. beyond Kamtchatka.” A
tranflation o f this treatife was publilhed the fame year by Heydinger.
C H A P .
C H A P. II.
Voyages in 17 45.-—P/fy? difcovery of the Aleutian Ifles by
Michael Nevodtfikoff.
A Voyage made in the year 1745 by Emilian Bafloff
"*■ is fcarce worth mentioning ; as he only reached
Beering’s Ifland, and two fmaller ones, which lie South
of the former,, and returned on the 3 r ft o f July, 1746.
The firfl: voyage which is in any wife remarkable, was voyag. <tf
undertaken in the year 1745. The veffel was a Shitik “ 1,45■
named Eudokia, fitted out at the expence of Aphanaflei.
Tfebaefskoi, Jacob TfiuprofF and others Ihe failed from
the Kamtchatka river Sept. 19,. under the command of
Michael Nevodtfikoff a native of Tobolfk. Having difcovered
three unknown iflands,, they wintered upon one Difcov«*the
_ . . Aleutian
o f them, in order to kill fea-otters, of which there was ,I(lands*
a large quantity. Thefe iflands were undoubtedly the.
neareft * Aleutian If landsthe language of the inhabit-
* T h e finair group o f iflands lying S. E.. o f Beering’s Ifland,, are the
real Aleutian ifles : they are fometimes called the Neareft Aleutian Blands;,
and the Fox Iflands the Furtheft Aleutian files.