population alone that there can he any large and permanent
increase in the produce of coffee. The Missionaries
should take up the question, because, by inducing married
women to confine themselves to domestic duties, they will
decidedly promote a higher civilization, and directly increase
the health and happiness of the whole community.
The people are so docile, and so willing to adopt the
manners and customs of Europeans, that the change might
he easily effected, by merely showing them that it was a
question of morality and civilization, and an essential
step in their progress towards an equality with their white
After a fortnight’s stay at Rurukan, I left that pretty
and interesting village in search of a locality and climate
more productive of birds and insects. I passed the evening
with the Controlleur of Tondano, and the next morning at
nine, left in a small boat for the head of the lake, a distance
of about ten miles. The lower end of the lake is
bordered by swamps and marshes of considerable extent,
hut a little further on the hills come down to the water’s
edge and give it very much the appearance of a great
river, the width being about two miles. At the upper end
is the village of Kakas, where I dined with the head man
in a good house like those I have already described; and
then went on to Langowan, four miles distant over a level
plain. This was the place where I had been recommended
to stay, and I accordingly unpacked my baggage and made
myself comfortable in the large house devoted to visitors.
I obtained a man to shoot for me, and another to accompany
me the next day to the forest, where I was in hopes
of finding a good collecting ground.
In the morning after breakfast I started off, but found
I had four miles to walk over a wearisome straight road
through coffee plantations before I could get to the forest,
and as soon as I did so it came on to rain heavily, and
did not cease till night. This distance to walk every day
was too far for any profitable work, especially when the
weather was so uncertain. I therefore decided at once
that I must go further on, till I found some place close
to or in a forest country. In the afternoon my friend
Mr. Bensneider arrived, together with the Controlleur of
the next district, called Belang, from whom I learnt that
six miles further on there was a village called Panghu,
which had been recently formed and had a good deal of
forest close to i t ; and he promised me the use of a small
house if I liked to go there.
The next morning I went to see the hot-springs and
mud volcanoes, for which this place is celebrated. A
picturesque path among plantations and ravines, brought
us to a beautiful circular basin about forty feet diameter,
bordered by a calcareous ledge, so uniform and truly
curved that it looked like a work of art. I t was filled