A b d e r a c h m a n -, Tokroori servant, intended.
pilgrimage of, to Mecca, 350,
352; gratitude and affection of,
Abdoolahi, Tokroori attendant, accident
to, caused by rashness while riding
a camel, and narrow escape of, 471.
Abdul Azziz Company, steamers of, 72.
Abou Do, father of Abou Do Roussóul,
singular and picturesque appearance
of, 296, 333; hippopotamus harpooned
by, 336 et segr.
Abou Dome, village on the route to
Khartoum, 554:
Abou Do Roussoul, nephew of Sheik
Owat, Hamran Arab, splendid appearance
of, 281; joins Sir S. Baker’s
hunting party, 281; jealousy- of,
354 ; covetousness of, 402; dismissed
from the party, ib. ; breaks a promise,
407, 408; caught in the act,
408; disappointed in his prize, 409.
Abou Hammed, arrival at, 14; bath
at, 15; start from, 16 ; route from,
along the Nile, ib.
Abou Harraz, village on the banks of
the Blue Nile, miserable appearance
of, 547 ; arrival at, ib. ; turning
point on the road from Katariff to
Khartoum, ib. ; attempt to obtain a
boat at, to sail up Blue Nile, 550;
start from, 551.
Abré, a large village passed by the
explorers, 68 ; halt near, on account
of Lady Baker’s renewed attack of
fever, ib.
Abrey, food used by nomadic Arabs,
537 ; fine quality of, 538.
Abyssinia, mountain ranges of, 306,
334, 400, 476 ; rivers of, 280 ; pecu-
■ liar character of all rivers of, 549 ;
market of, 524.
Abyssinian Alps, 334, 476.
Abyssinian territory, frontier of, undetermined,
512 ; fairly quitted by the
traveller on arrival at Rahad river,
524 ; protected from Egyptians by
the English, 560 ; at the mercy of
AcEacgiyap tA, riabb. ic' a, Soorit, fruit of, used
for tanning, 180 ; fallen trees of, ob-
. struetions on the Dinder river, 529.
Achmet, relative of Mahomet the
dragoman, chosen by him as servant,
84 ; bitten by a scorpion, 104 ; theft
by, and flight of, 207 ; last heard o£
Ad4a2n6s,o nnoiate .digitata, homera free, gigantic
size of, 355 : halt beneath, for
shelter, ib. ; fruit of, 356 ; hollow
trunk of, sometimes used as a reservoir
for water, ib.
Agates found in the desert, 59.
Aggageers, 167 ; famed elephant sword-
hunters, 171 ; party of, join Sir S.
Baker, 281 ; appearanceof, on starting
for the hunt, 297, 319 ; bloody intentions
of, towards the Basé tribe, 377 ;
their wonderful knowledge of the
country, 320 ; lame the horses by
Arercakblse)s.s riding, 402 (see Hamran
Aggahr, name given to one of Sir S.
Baker’s horses, purchase of, 242 ;
accident with, while hunting, 480 ;
search for, 480, 481 ; alarm of Lady
Baker, caused by return of, without
his rider, 482 ; death of, 521.
Ali, son of Sheik Achmet Abou Sinn,
reception of Sir S. Baker by, at Ru-
fâar, 551 ; unpleasant manners of, ib.
Allatakoora hill, great height of, 399.
Ambateh wood (Anemone mirabilis),
extreme lightness of, 176, 333 ; raft
made of, 176 ; float or buoy of,
fastened to the harpoon for hippopotamus
hunting, 333.
Amulets, moustaches of lions worn as,
supposed protection from wild animals,
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