S p e c ie s in c e s t .®.
“Soada” m Oualkaifc et Mareb (Taurotragus ?).
“ Uorobo,” an Godjam, Agow (Hippotragus).
“ Ouoademli.” Mareb, Oualkait (Hippotragus).
“ E l Mor.” Sennaar, Fazogle (Nanotragus?).
“ E l Khondieh.” Kordofan (Eedunea?).
“ Om Khat.” Kordofan (Gazella ?).
“ El Hamra.” Kordofan, Bajouda (Gazella?). CHAPTER XXII.
Foe, some days we continued our journey along the
banks of the Dinder, and as the monotonous river
turned towards the junction with the Blue Nile, a few
miles distant, we made a direct cut across the flat
country, to cross the Rahad and arrive at Abou Harraz
on the Blue Nile. We passed numerous villages and
-extensive plantations of dhurra that were deserted by
the Arabs, as the soldiers had arrived to collect the taxes.
I measured the depths of the wells, seventy-five feet
and a half, from the surface to the bottom ; the alluvial
soil appeared to continue the whole distance, until
the water was discovered resting upon hard sand, full
of small particles of mica. During the march over a
portion of the country that had been cleared by burning,
we met a remarkably curious hunting-party. A
number of the common black and white stork were
hunting for grasshoppers and other insects, but
mounted upon the back of each stork was a large
copper-coloured flycatcher, which, perched like a rider
on his horse, kept a bright look-out for insects, which
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