camp in Mek Nimmur’s country is thirty-five miles
S.W. The Bahr Salaam is precisely similar in character
to the Settite, but smaller ; it has scooped through the
rich lands a deep valley, like the latter river, and has
transported the fertile loam to the Athara, to increase
the rich store of mud which that river delivers to the
Nile. The Salaam is about two hundred yards wide ;
it flows through perpendicular cliffs that form walls
of rock, in many places from eighty to a hundred
and fifty feet above its bed; the water is as clear as
crystal, and of excellent quality ; even now, a strong
though contracted stream is running over the rounded O O pebbles that form its bed, similar to that of the Settite.
We descended a difficult path, and continued along'
the dry portion of the river’s bed up stream. While
we were searching for a spot to encamp, I saw a fine
bull mehedehet (A. Redunca Ellipsiprymha) by the
water side ; 1 stalked him carefully from behind a bed
of high rushes, and shot him across the river with the
Fletcher rifle ; he went on, although crippled, but the
left-hand barrel settled him by a bullet through the
neck. We camped on the bank of the river.
“ March 30.— I went out to explore the country,
and, steering due east, I arrived at the river Angrab or
Angarep, three miles from the Salaam; from a high
rock I could trace its course from the mountain gorge
to this spot, the stream flowing 1ST.W. This noble
river or mountain torrent is about a hundred and fifty
yards wide, although the breadth varies according to
the character of the country through which it passes ;
in most places, it rushes through frightful precipices ;
sometimes it is walled within a channel of only forty
or fifty yards, and in such places the cliffs, although
at least a hundred feet perpendicular height, bear the
marks of floods that have actually overtopped the
rocks, and have torn away the earth, and left masses
of bamboos and withered reeds clinging to the branches
of trees, which, growing on still higher rocks, have
dipped in the swollen torrent. I followed the circuitous
course of the river for' some miles, until, after a
most fatiguing exploration among precipices and deep
ravines, I arrived at the junction of the Salaam river.
On the way, I came upon a fine bull nellut (A. Strep-
siceros) beneath a shady nabbuk by the river’s side ;
I could only obtain an oblique shot, as his hind
quarters were towards me; the bullet passed through
the ribs, and reached the shoulder upon the opposite
side. This nellut had the finest horns that I had yet
obtained; they measured four feet in the curve, three
feet one inch and a half in a straight line, with a
spread of two feet seven inches from, point to point.
I found tracks of hippopotami upon the high grassy
hills ; these animals climb up the most difficult places
during the night, when they ascend from the river to
seek for pasturage. I was not far from the tent when
I arrived at the junction of the Angrab with the Bahr
Salaam, but the rivers were both sunk in stupendous
precipices, so that it was impossible to descend. The
mouth of the river Angrab was an extraordinary sight;
it was not wider than about fifteen yards, although
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