At how many firesides, I wonder, in civilised life would
laughter be heard while anticipation was rife respecting
the imminent invasion of predatory and merciless foes ?
The pipe of wild hemp, as it was passed from one to
another, made the smokers cough with extraordinary vigour,
as though they were making a strong effort to hurst a
blood-vessel. At the time I speak of, they had reached this
coughing stage, and what with the disputation, the coughing,
laughing and singing, the confusion may be better
imagined than described.
Nevertheless John and I commenced to get everything
ready for the advance, which it was clear was to be a
formidable matter in the way of tactical difficulties.
As I could readily perceive that it would be next to impossible
to set out before noon, I produced my sextant, in
order to take a meridian altitude of the sun.
The awestruck astonished look on the faces of the black
crowd, which surrounded me, was highly amusing; one,
more bold than the others, I allowed to look through the
telescope of the sextant, covered by the red sun-glass,
through which he caught a glimpse of two red suns.
The sight evidently disconcerted him, for he quickly
walked away, saying to his comrades: “ There are two suns,
two, two; ” at the same time holding up two fingers, so that
there should be no mistake about his “ seeing double.” I
am sure that they thought the “ white curio ” was anything
but “ canny.”
Among our numerous visitors were a few more of those
old grey haired bundles of sense, whose appearance never
boded good. I tried to get some recruits, but not one
would consent to be engaged for more than a single day’s
journey. Under these conditions I could not afford to pay
cloth. Shedabarume and Saiika caused more trouble than
all the rest, for they were perpetually inciting quarrels, and
I had a ^disagreeable suspicion that I would yet have a good
deal more difficulty with the intractable pair.
Whatever may be the faults of these people, actual
experience does not allow the accusation of theft. Yery
easily, and without the slightest risk of punishment, they
could have helped themselves to the stores which lay
about the camp; but we had no instance of larceny in that
respect. On the contrary, I record with pleasure the occurrence
of a simple event, which exemplifies their innate
honesty. Our hatchet, a most indispensable article, was
dropped on the way; and in the course of a short time
it was brought back to us by a total stranger. Headers
who are inclined to consider this a slight incident, must
remember that an implement of that description is an
exceptionally valuable acquisition for the equipment of
these unarrayed children of the wild. As a matter of
course, the restorer of the property was duly rewarded for
his trouble.
I called up Sebaii (who was supposed to be our guide,
but for some incomprehensible reason was at all times the
rear man in the company), and speaking through John, informed
him that we were not going in the proper direction.
Sebaii was a cunning old scoundrel. Looking downwards
with an amazingly knowing leer, his only answer was:
“ Ahay, Ahay, Seree! ”
Karemba, I suppose, had taught him this sentence, which
might be supposed to comprise all that was necessary for a
conversation with a white man. This, at any rate, was all
I could get out of our precious guide ! I had constantly
been told that we would soon take a turn to the eastward»
but now by incessant disappointment I was beginning to be