sore; Karemba bad been kicked by one of tbe oxen, wbicb
be bad been endeavouring to tbrow in order to examine
its feet; Windvogel, tbe “ higher ape,” bad dysentery, and
lay on bis face writhing and groaning with pain, by all
odds tbe most dismal and dejected looking creature I ever
set eyes on; Sagwam bad tbe sulks; and Taroman, tbe
india-rubber man, bad so over-eaten himself, that be gave
up looking after tbe sheep and cattle, and overcome like a
cobra, with an overcharged stomach, bad lain down to sleep
and so lost tbe live-stock.
Tbe old drift through tbe river, where tbe hunters’
waggons used to cross, bad been scoured out; leaving a
deep bole on tbe south side, while in tbe centre of tbe
water was a high mound of soft sand, making tbe place
quite impassable. Tbe banks, too, were very steep.
Under these peculiarly adverse circumstances a short
bait had to be made. But as it was still early in tbe day
we made tbe best use of our time, by cutting branches, and
by preparing a ford to take tbe waggon over.
John and myself returned from our work on tbe river,
and were not a little surprised that no sign of life could be
seen near tbe waggon. I t was nearly dusk, and as neither
boys nor oxen appeared, John and I started in different
directions to scour the country for tbe absentees.
This neighbourhood abounds with lions, and consequently
my anxious mind pictured horrible visions of tbe cattle
becoming a prey to tbe king of beasts. Only tbe previous
year, Selous, while hunting here, bad stopped on tbe north
bank, bis cattle being tied in tbe customary fashion, with
large fires encircling tbe camp, while tbe boys were seated
in a group close to tbe animals. In a little time a lion
came up close in front of the party, having passed tbe fires
with tbe utmost indifference. A moment later tbe lion
seized upon one of tbe fattest of tbe oxen, and brought it to
tbe ground; but tbe contents of a double-barrelled shotgun
discharged at close quarters immediately checked bis
meal and bis earthly career at tbe same time. When a lion
is thoroughly hungry there is no limit to its audacity and
daring. I know of an occasion about tbe same place, of a
lion having attacked a man, in tbe night time, while be was
seated before a blazing fire.
After an anxious walk of about two miles, I shouted, and
much to my astonishment, an answer came from Taroman,
whom I found under a tree where be bad evidently been
taking a nap. Tbe sheep were beside him, and in bis band
be held an enormous chunk of zebra. Tbe time was now
approaching when Taroman wholly lost tbe use of bis eyes,
which were of no service in tbe slightest shade of darkness.
On such occasions be even could not find bis way, and this
I discovered to be true beyond doubt.
From Taroman’s attitude at that time it was evident that
be expected to be thrashed; but as I do not believe in
whipping or kicking as a means to any satisfactory end, I
merely asked him about tbe cattle. In reply be made
signs of a very vague character, and I hurried back to tbe
camp taking tbe sheep along with me, not, however, without
frightening Taroman by telling him to go and search for
them, knowing as well as be did it was Lion Veldt. When I
returned to camp I sent a boy to fetch tbe old humbug
home. I was aggravated at tbe time, for tbe loss of tbe
cattle would have been irretrievable. We were twelve days’
good travel from Inyati, and still very far distant from the
borders of Masbona-land. John by this time bad found all
but two of our oxen.
I t was a cold and stormy night. Tbe wind blew with
terrific force, threatening to unroof tbe waggon, and leave