Sit DI«
Old Fishmarket, Edinburgh.
TEN years have now elapsed since the first number of my
Illustrations of the Birds of America made its appearance. At
that period I calculated that the engravers would take sixteen
years in accomplishing their task; and this I announced in my
prospectus, and talked of to my friends. Of the latter not a
single individual seemed to have the least hope of my success,
and several strongly advised me to abandon my plans, dispose of
my drawings, and return to my country. I listened with attention
to all that was urged on the subject, and often felt deeply
depressed, for I was well aware of many of the difficulties to be
surmounted, and perceived that no small sum of money would
be required to defray the necessary expenses. Yet never did
I seriously think of abandoning the cherished object of my
hopes. When I delivered the first drawings to the engraver, I
had not a single subscriber. Those who knew me best called
me rash ; some wrote to me that they did not expect to see a
second fasciculus; and others seemed to anticipate the total
failure of my enterprise. But my heart was nerved, and my
reliance on that Power, on whom all must depend, brought
bright anticipations of success.