I N D E X .
AlcaTorda, 112
American Coot, 291
— Oyster-catcher, 181
Snipe, 322
Sun Perch, 47
Woodcock, 474
Anas acuta, 214
—— Boschas,.... 174
Crecca, 219
Sponsa, 52
Anser albifrons, 598
canadensis, 1
Hutchinsii, 526
.- leucopsis, 609
Arctic Jager, 470
Tern,.. 366
Ardea candidissima, 317
exilis, 77
Herodias, 87
ludoviciana, 136
nycticorax, 275
occidentalis, 542
rufescens, 411
Auk, Razor-billed, 112
Barnacle Goose,, 609
Bewick, Thomas, 300
Bittern Least, 77
Black Guillemot, 148
Tern, 535
Black-backed Gull, 305
Booby Gannet, 63
Breaking up of the Ice, 408
Brown Pelican, 376
Buff-breasted Sandpiper, 452
Calm at Sea, 491, 520
Camp, a Maple-sugar, 438
Canada Goose, 1
('ayeinie Tern, ... 505
Charadrius melodus, 154
Charadrius pluvialis, 623
. vociferus, 191
Wilsonius, 73
Clapper Rail, 33
Claws of Birds, 629
Colymbus septentrionalis, 20
Common American Gull, 98
Cormorant,... 458
Gallinule, 33o
Coot American, 291
Cormorant, Double-crested, 420
Common, 458
Florida, 387
Crane, Whooping, 202, 441
Cray-fish, 199
Crested Grebe, 595
Curlew, Esquimaux, 69
Hudsonian, 283
Long-billed, 240
Sandpiper, 444
Diver, Red-throated, 20
Dob-chick, Pied-billed, 359
Double-crested Cormorant, 420
Duck, Eider, 342
Harlequin, 612
King, 523
Pintail, 214
Ring-necked, 259
Scaup, 226
Velvet, 354
Wood, , 52
Dusky Petrel, 620
Eider Duck, 342
Eggers of Labrador, 82
Egret, Reddish, 411
Esquimaux Curie w,« 69
Fishing in the Ohio, 122
Florida, Wreckers of, 158