Josephina Parrakeet.
Trichonlossusjosephm*, Finsch, Atti E. Accad. Torino, 1 8 7 * J . 42, tw . 7 ,-M ey e r, J. f. 0 . 1874, p. 56.
T h e Josephina Parrakeet was first described by Dr. Otto Finseh, from M W ! ■ ■ ■ ■
collection o f Count Turati a t Milan. By the latter gentleman it was obtained from M Laurent
bisfory dealer Greaux, a natural-history aeaier iinn Marseilles, u^«r.u6 ^— --------------------_
with two specimens of the rare Psitlacula gulielmi M D r. Fmsch nghtly concluded th at the habitat
of this beautiful species would prove to be the island o f New Guinea; for he found in the Bremen Museum
some n a tb e head-dresses of p L e s composed o f the taU-feathers of this Parrakeet and jH B l—
which Von Rosenberg assured him were worn by the inhabitants in the g —
of the Dutch collectors managed to obtain specimens for the Leiden Museum ; and ¡ ¡ H H g —
we arc indebted for our authentic information respecting it. He obtained specimens during f
■ was hereby enabled to determine th at the species had been founded by D r. Fmsch on a female bird
D r M e je r was therefore the first to discover the male. I am indebted to him B H | | | M
1 W which I now figure, but also for the following note on the B I found this t a d «
H H H H greyish black. In the stomach I only found juice o f plants.
B B B tm
the tips yellow, preceded by an obscure subterminal mark o f bluish.
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