TM )(fr® 2¥ F ITL C H E LIT 8 « ( M l /
Peruvian Trogon.
Beautiful Trog’on.
Trog. capita, guM, purport sttpsii hunter is. tectricibus alee, caudaque splendide aureoviridibus ;
prmariia WClWW fwsque wundtc sex inter na tins n ig n s ; reef rici bus tnbuts externis cilbis et ad
fmsin ntWw . ¡¿ludomine. ¿xteribus, crttsoque extern :■$, ttiMra Jtatin; peek bus plnmbeis.
Head, tfetvot. -M the upper nrsw^-ooverts, and upper tail-coverts rich golden
gree*** jwunari«-* and six mrA2b jet black ; the three lateral tail-feathers black
at the base, and pu re %k-‘ remainder of their length ; abdomen, flanks, and under
tail-coverts rich carmine red ; bill yellow ; feet lead colour.
Total length. 14 inches ; bill, \ \ ; wing, 7 i ; tail, 7 '> tarsi, £.
Trogon (Calurus) pulchellus, Gould in Proc. of Zool. Soc., Part VI. 1838.
Fob the discovery o f this beautiful species science is indebted to M. D’Orbigny of Paris, who obtained it,
together with many other rarities, during his travels in Peru. When recently at Paris, 1 was permitted by
the Officers of tb* %:H>logical Oepartwcvu oi ¿in- “ .iardin tic Plante»” to take a sketch and description of
the specimen in sites tfr&c- <•**•. 'v-t • p»--ti <>.
No species «34 ftjfi -Wkm $ | m i of its eoknmag or in the elegance
of its form. ime tta fidbtt tMg*.- ••* bring e A r less in sice.; in having an elevated tuft
of feathers springing «'he <s»d ike nostrils and the greater part of the bill, instead of a
rounded and cooiWtStS4 covering the whole oi the head as in that species ; in the greater extent of
the white on the three literal tail-feathers, and in the prolonged upper tail-coverts exceeding the tail by
about two inches only.
At the meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, held at Liverpool in September
1837, I proposed the name of Penmanus for this species ; but as their Report is not yet published, and
Mr. Swaimwn has since characterized another species under that name, I have found it necessary to alter
my specific appellation t o p u k h r ’im id order to prevent confusion.