Large-tailed Trogon.
Trog. capite, corpore supra, pectoreque splendid& aureo-viridibus, uropygio cwrulescenti; loro,
plimis auricularibus et gutture nigris ; alis nigris, in medio lineis delicatis cinereis undatim
striatis; primariis extiis albo marginatis; pectore albo fasciato; corpore subtus intense
coccineo; cauda nigra, rectricibus duabus intermediis viridescenti-purpureo splendentibus,
nec non utrisque proximis duabus ad marginem externum; reliquis guttulis cinereis ad-
spersis ; rostro Jlavo ; pedibus plumbeis.
Head, all the upper surface and chest rich golden green, tinged with blue on the rump ; lores,
ear-coverts and throat black, gradually passing into the golden g re en ; wings black, with
the centre finely striated with irregular wavy lines of greyish white; and the primaries
margined externally with white; across the breast a band of white, beyond which all the
under surface is of a rich fiery scarlet; tail black, the two centre feathers, and the external
webs of the two next on each side glossed with greenish purple, the remainder powdered
with very fine specks of greyish white ; bill yellow; feet lead colour.
Total length, 13 inches ; bill, I t ; wing, 6i ; tail, 8 ; tarsi, i.
Trogon macroura, Gould in Proc. o f Zool. Soc., Part VI. 1838.
T h e specimen from which the accompanying drawing is taken was procured in Paris; it had a label attached,
on which was the word “ Mexique,” and this was all the information I could obtain respecting it.
I have since seen other examples in a collection sent from Carthagena, whence I am led to infer that the
Caraccas, the Spanish Main, and the southern portions of Mexico are its true habitat.
In its colour it is so closely allied to the Trogon melanurus, that it might readily be mistaken for that species;
but it is so much larger in all its measurements, that I feel confident it is specifically distinct, and have
named it accordingly.