]> T lG rK IC A Ü D A T A ,(Swaiurt!)
Black-tailed Tro ¿ o n .
' fy SJb.i'.GouId*. JhtoUcCrty CltuMntoouUb.
Black-tailed Trognon.
Mas. Trog, verttce, mctore summo corporeque supra, intensé aureo-viridibus ; loro, plumis aim-
cularibus, gnlaque nigris, &*' colore in áureo viridi transeúnte; pectore albo transoerstmfa s -
ciato ; corpore subtiis pul* krrrimé coccíneo ; alis nigris, in medio lineis delicatis albis striatis,
primariisque extus albo murgindtis; cauda nigra, rectricibtis sex intermediis, purpureo
et viridi tinctis: dmbm xternis extus lineis obscuris albis striatis; rostro flavo ; pedibns
FU Ctipite.. i. 1.1171.1 r r .myrf., jttffflf r pve to rtqm interné ciñereis: ok* nigris obscuré in medio striis
albis r«v$rie¿hf* d-nahm extemis extus, crissoque cocctnets.
Male C■ ? > ' íjí0' ¿i’íx i, v Iff'«?. aii the »inper swri'&ee dark golden green ¡ space between
the «sad ■iilíí:- wm and throat ivia«gradually passing into the golden green;
Iw-iwt crossed by a band of white, beyond which all the under surface is rich fiery
scarlet; w i n g b l a c k , the centre striated with fine wavy lines of white, and the primaries
margined externally with the same colour ¡ tail black, the six centre feathers tinged with
purple and green, and the outer web of the lateral feather on each side faintly striated
with white* as in the centre of the wing; bill yellow; feet straw yellow.
Female.. Head, all the upper surface, throat and breast dark g re y ; wings and tail black, with
a faint indication of the white striae on the centre of the wing and the outer webs of the
lateral tail-feathers; vent and under tail-coverts scarlet.
Total length, 12 inches ; biiL U ; vmg, (>J : fail,.6r ; tarsi, +.
Le Cmtrovcou >P Arne riom mbfe a «w , Le VaiHL Hist., des Couroucous,Pl. 1.
C&urauc&u 4 range de Cayenne, Buff. PI. Eal. 45$. ftóéáe, 737 t e s lc -
Trogon Ciers* <**.. GrtC An. Kingd. vol. m p. 474
T he present bird is one of the known and commonest species of the genus, but so much confusion has
existed respecting the Sontfe American members of the group that I have been induced to adopt the specific
title of melmttn# given to 0»* by Mr. Swainson. Both sexes are figured by Le Vaillant in his “ Histoire
des Couroucoi» ct 4m Bari»?* Ffe*. 1 and % and he states it to be a native of Cayenne. I have myself frequently
observed t* in from Dememra, and if I mistake not from Trinidad. Mr. Natterer also
informs me that kt once, a**# once, observed it on the banks of the River Paraguay ; I am therefore led
to consider that die intern*- of I Mracrara will constitute its natural habitat.
By mistake the name of im^cnudala ha® been inserted on the Plate instead of melanurus.