PrinceMafsena:s Trogon.
Prince Massena’s Trog*on.
Mas. Trog. vertice, corpore supra, pectoreque nitide viridibus; loro, plumis auricularibus, et
gutture nigris ; aid media cinerea nigro delicate striata, primariis extus albo marginatis ;
rectricibus caudce duabus intermediis purpureo-viridibus, ad apicem nigris ; reliquis nigris ;
pectore, corporequ-e subtus coccineis ; rostro Jlavo ; pedibus cinereo-olivaceis.
Foem. Vertice, corpore supra, gutture, pectore, abdomineque superiore intense cceruleo-cinereis;
abdomine imo, lateribus, crissoque coccineis, alis caudaque nigris; secondariis, tectricibusque
alee minoribus guttulis cinereis adspersis; mandibula superiore nigrd, inferiore Jlava; pedibus
Male. Crown of the head, all the upper surface and chest fine green ; lores, ear-coverts and
throat black, gradually passing into the green; centre of the wing finely pencilled with
black on a grey ground ; primaries black, margined on their external webs with white;
two centre tail-feathers purplish green, tipped with black, the remainder wholly black;
breast and under surfaee^nch scarlet; bill yellow ; feet greyish olive.
Female. Crown of the head, the upper surface, throat, chest and upper half of the belly dark
bluish g re y ; lower part of the belly, flanks and under tail coverts scarlet; wings and tail
black, the secondaries and lesser wing-coverts powdered with extremely fine spots of g re y ;
upper mandible black; lower mandible yellow ; feet dark brown.
Total length, 14 inches ; bill, H ; wing, 7* ; tail, 7 ; tarsi, f.
I b e l i e v e I may safely assert that no example of this fine Trogon exists in any of the public or private
collections of England. On the continent, however, I have had opportunities of examining specimens in
the Museums at Vienna and Leyden, and in the fine collection of the “ Jardin de Plantes,” at Paris : Prince
Massena also possesses several examples; among which there is a series consisting of the old and young
male, and the female; and it is from these that my figures are taken.
In dedicating this species to Prince Massena, I am desirous of paying a just compliment to a nobleman
ardently attached to the science of Zoology, and to acknowledge his many acts of kindness towards myself.
Habitat. Mexico.