J.ïïclF & J.Smifc.del.slIiÜi
KITTA BUCCOIDES, Temm. Plan. Col. vol. ii. p. 147, pi. 576.—Von Rosenb. Journ. fiir Ornith. (1 864) p. 122.
AILUR(EDUS BUCCOIDES, G. R. Gray, Hand-1. Birds (1869), pt. i. p. 294. sp. 4337.—Schleg. Tijdsch. Dierk. pt. v. p. 49.
CISSA BUCCOIDES, Gray, Gen. o f Birds, Append, p. 14.
H a b . New Guinea, Salwatty (G r a y , T em m in c k ) ; Islands of Sorong, Batanta, and Waigiou ( B e r n s t e in ) .
T h i s curious bird, allied to the A . crassirostris, was described by Temminck in the ‘ Planches Coloriées,’ and a
figure given o f it. He merely states that two specimens were forwarded to him, shot by their travellers during
their stay in the Bay of Lobo, in New Guinea. Nothing whatever is known of its ' economy or habits ; and
it has always been a rare bird up to the present day, only occasionally brought in collections made about the
coasts of new Guinea. I should suppose it would resemble somewhat in its habits the A . crassirostris, and
possibly may build a bower.
Top of head dark rufous brown, cheeks white. Throat white, spotted with black. Nape of neck and mnnflo
composed of long loose feathers, white, with a broad central-line of black. Wings, back, and tail bright grassgreen.
Underparts bright buff, each feather having a black spot in the centre of the tip. Bill yellowish white.
Feet and tarsi lead-colour.
There is no difference in the plumage of the sexes.
The figures are life-size.