O D O N T O G L O S S U M K R A M E R I.
K R A M E R ' S O D O N T O G L O S S U M.
O. pseudobulbis suborbicularibus valde comprcssis ancipitibus 1-phyllis, foliis oblongo-lanceolatis,
scapis ascendentibns vel sub-pendulis foliis brevioribus pauci-(2-5) floris, sepalis petalisque
oblongis acutis subrequalibus, labelli ungue 2-calloso lamina subquadrata 2-loba pallideroseo
violacea plaga basi utrinque semilunari alba aureo et purpureo maculata.
ODONTOGI.OSSCU KRAMBRI, Reichenbach ft. in Gard. Chron. 1868, p. 98. Floral May. t. 406 (WI O. Krameri). Hooker in Hot.
Mag. t. 577S.
Habitat in COSTA-RICA.
PSEUDOBULBS nearly round, flattened, 2-edged, 1 -leaved ; LEAVES oblong-lanceolate, less than a foot long, by
about an inch wide, longer than the SCAPES which bear from 2 to 5 flowers. PF.DUNCI.ES with the ovary
one to one and a half inches long. FLOWERS one to one and a half inches in diameter. SEPALS and
PETALS subequal oblong-acute, pale violet-red in the centre with broad white margins. LIP one-third of
an inch wide, neck short, broad, deeply hollowed in front with two erect calli; limb subquadrate, twolobed
at the apex, angles rounded, the basal lateral lobes small, reflexed, pale violet-red with two confluent
semilunar white patches at the base, on each of which is a concentric red-brown band, and a few spots of
the same colour on a golden yellow ground. COLUMN short, thick, without wings or appendages.
(Hooker, 1. c.)
This though not a striking is a very distinct plant. It is a native of Costa-Rica, where it seems to
be plentiful enough though it long eluded detection. It was first exhibited in 1808 by Mr. Veitch at one of
the shows at S. Kensington, but appeared almost simultaneously in the collection of Mr. Day, by whose
direction a careful drawing was prepared. Like other Costa-Rica plants, though not requiring a high
temperature, it is scarcely content with the small amount of heat that is now allotted to the great majority
of cool Orchids. Its proper place would be in the Mexican House. It is a free bloomer.