P L A T E X I I I . FIG. 2.
O. (LMUCOGLOSSUM, Lindl.) pseudobulbis ovalibus compressis, foliis solitariis lauccolntis recurvis,
scapis erectis 1-2-floris brevioribus, bracteis ovarii triquetri medium nou attingentibus,
sepalis petalisque sequalibus linearibus acuminatis lierbaceis, labello rliomboideo subrotundo
grossc dentato appendice unguis truncata quadridentata apice libera.
ODONTOGLOSSUM STELLATUM, Lindl. in Bot. Beg. 1841, Misc. 25; Ful. Orel. n. 18.
ODONTOGLOSSUM BBOSCM, Reichenbach fit Bonjil. ii. 99; A. Bick. Gal. in Ann. Sc. Nat. Jan. 18-15.
Habitat in GUATEMALA, Skinner; MEXICO, Earlweg; VEKAGUAS, Warszewicz.
PSEUDOBULBS oval, compressed, about an inch long, glossy, bearing solitary lanceolate somewhat recurved LEAVES,
which are shorter Hum Ihe upright 1 -(rarely 1-)fiowered SCAPES. BRACTS not half so long as the three-cornered
ovary. SEPALS and PETALS equal, linear, acuminate, of a dull olive-green, with a few faint transverse streaks of
brown on their inner side. LIP white, rhomboidal, subrotuiid, with its edges eroded, and its unguis, or claw,
hollow, truncate, free, and divided at top into two, or rather into four lobes, ihe two foremost of which resemble
teeth. COLUMN slender, wingless.
There is an air of quaintness about this little Odontoglossum which, insignificant though it be, is spread over
range of territory far more extensive than is occupied by any other member of the genua; for it has been found i
Mexico by Hartweg, in Guatemala (on the Volcan del Fuego) by Skinner, and in Veraguas by Warszewicz!
At Knypersley, where the figure was taken, the species flowers freely in the winter and spring, and is manage
(in a cool house) without the slightest difficulty.
DISSECTIONS.—1. Column and lip (magnified), seen sideways; 2. Ditto, ditto, in front.