all the credit is due of having solved a great botanical puzzle, and proved to demonstration that the Oiiitlaudm pendula
of Lexarza is none other than the Odontoglossum citro&mum of Lindley."
Under these circumstances, however undesirable the meddling with established names, I scarcely see how, in
common justice to Lexarza, we can do otherwise than adopt his specific name of pendula, more especially as it happens
that the plant to which he originally gave it remains to this day the only one out of nearly a hundred Odonloglossa
that has flower-stems which are strictly pendulous.
Our gardens contain many varieties of 0. pendulum, of which, though all arc beautiful, some are far superior to
others. That represented in the Plate, and which forms a part of Mr. Euckcr's collection, is among the best. Mr.
Rucker keeps it in his coolest house, where it is perfectly at home, and produces a profusion of its lovely drooping
racemes in May and June. It should always be grown in a pot.
DISSECTIONS.—1. Front view of lip and column; 2. Side view of ditto: magnified.
* The idea that Cuitlauzina pendula might possibly be identical with Odontoglossum cilrosmum had more than once occurred to myself, but
however, that the scapes of the other Odonloglossa that he met with happcucd to be entirely clothed with largo inflated bracts; our present plant
therefore, in which they occur only at long intervals and are exceedingly minute, may in comparison be said to be almost " destitute " of them.