treatment. IT this be conceded, the plant i. of the easiest culture and will Howe, abundantly in Hay or June. The
Sgure was taken from a splendid specimen in Mr. Sucker's eoEeetion.
I do not think it necessary to adhere any longer to Br. Lindley'. distinction (a. noted in the 'Folia Orc
h i d i a ' ) of , "major" variety, for thi. is n o , found to p - in.en.ihly into the ordinary type. The forme, has
sometimes been confounded with the 0. fijmm of B.lrt.rt.ri., W this is a perfectly independent form, and as such
will shortly he figured in this work.
DISSECTIONS,—1. M of lip and column ; 2. Side vim of ditto: majnitf.A
Odorttflglossum ntevinm.