ARABIS S i foliU amplexicaulibus, siliquis planis H B B H 1 f l f l B m M M
ARABIS Tnrrita. Linn.Sp. P i p . 930. Huds. An g lp . 293. M B — £ £ £ ? £
T l G aft Swi. p. 375. Pers. Syn. P I vol. 2. p. 205. Ait. Hort. Kan. eft 2. . • p-
Hook. FI.Scot. P .l.p .iO O . . „ „ a , . . .
LEUCOJUM foliis acute dentatis, amplexicaulibus, siliquis nutantibus incams. Hall, e ». n.
Class a n d Or d e r . TETRADYNAMIA SILIQUOSA.
G e n . Ch a r .
G e n . Ch a r .
[N a tu r a l O r d e r . CRUCIFER®, Juss., Decand., Hook.]
Siliqua linearis, stigmate subsessili coronata; valvis venosis vel nervosis. Semina uniserrata. Cotyle-
clones accumbentes. Calyx erectus.
VoA l in e . , H H M with the subsessile stigma; with the valves veined or nerved. Seeds nni-
Ra d ix subfusiformis, ramosa, annua.
Ca u l is erectus, subsimplex,pedalis ad tnpedalem, teres,
pubescens, foliosus. _ .
Fo lia oblongo-lanceolata; radicalia inferne in petiolum
desinentia; superiora basi subauriculata ; su-
prema sessilia, subamplexicaulia; omnia flexuosa,
acute inasqualiterque dentata, minute pubescen-
tia, subtus pnecipue; pilis bi-trifurcatis.
F lores primum corvmbosi, nutantes, demum (fructiferi)
racemosi, ere cti; inferiores foliosi; supenores
aphylli, vel minutissime bracteati.
P eDICELLI breves, supeme incrassati.
Ca l y x e foliolis quatuor ovatis subpubescentibus vin-
dibus erectis. , , . .
Corolla tetrapetala, lactea, petalis ovato-spathulatis,
laminis patentibus.
St am in a sex,tetradynama; Filamentasubulata,stncta,
duobus inferioribus basi biglandulosis: Anther as
oblong®, erect®, flav®.
P istil lum cylindraceum, erectum, glabrum, viride.
St igm a sessile, obtusuin.
S il iq u a curvato-pendula, longissima, linearis, margine
incrassata: Valv® sub lente reticulatim nervos®.
S em in a numerosa, ovato-rotundata, fusca, pedicellata.
Root subfusiform, branched, and annual.
Stem erect, nearly simple, from a foot to three feet in
height, rounded, pubescent, leafy.
Leaves oblongo-lanceolate; the radical ones tapering
below into a footstalk; the superior ones sub-
auricuiated at the base; the uppermost ones
sessile, subamplexicaul; all o f them flexuose,
acutely and unequally toothed, minutely pubescent,
especially beneath; with the hairs bi- or
trifurcate. .
Flowers at first corymbose and drooping, at length
(when in a state o f fruit) racemed, erect; the
lower ones leafy, the upper ones leafless, or only
furnished with a small bractea.
Pe d ic e ls short, incrassated above.
Ca l y x formed o f four ovate subpubescent green erect
leaflets. , . . . .
Corolla o f four petals, yellowish white, with the petals
ovato-spathulate, the borders spreading.
Stam en s six, tetradynamous; the filaments subulate,
straight, having the two lowermost ones biglan-
dular at the ba s e : Anthers oblong, erect, yellow.
P is t il cylindrical, erect, glabrous, green.
St igm a sessile, obtuse.
Pod curved and drooping, very long, linear, incrassated
a t the margin: Valves under a microscope reticulated
with veins.
Se ed s numerous, ovato-subrotundate, brown, pedicellate.
Mg. 1. Upper portion o f a ^ an t o f A r a k is T um g F i g ^ g j
“ to show the insertion o f the seeds. M .0. Seed.
__j lll but Jigs. 1, 2, 3, and 8, more or less magnified.
St. John's College, Cambridge; and on those ot g A bv mv friend G. A. W. Arnott, Esq.