** Pileus frosted with atoms, somewhat powdery.
309. A. nanus, Peru. .. . . 305
310. A. spilopus,. B. fy Br. . . 325
311a. A. semi-hulbosus, Lasch. . 518a
Pileus naked, smooth.
3115. A. violarius, Massee
312. A. roseo-albus, Fr.
313. A. leoninus, Schoeff.
314. A. chrysophæus, Shceff.
315. I A - phlebophorus, Dittm.
L « >
. 5186
. 598
. 421
. 309
. 422a
var. reticulatus, Che. 4225
Sub-Gen. 4. E ntolom a, Br. Without a distinct veil.
Stem fleshy or fibrous, soft, sometimes- waxy. Pileus
rather fleshy, margin incurved. Hymenophore continuous
with the stem ; gills sinuately adnexed behind or seced-J
• Genuini. Pileus smooth, moist or viscid.
316. A. sinuatus, Fr. . 310
317. A. lividus, Bull. ... . 311
318. ,, „ var. roseus 469
319. A. prunu|||des, Fr. 312
320. A. repandus, Bull. . : 313
821. A . placenta^ Batsch. 314
322. A. he!odes, Fries . 339
. 323. ,, variety - . 373
324. A. bulbi-gen»|)jP. Br, . -, ' -•> 315
325. A. Batschianus, Fr. 326
326. A. Bloxami', Berle. -827
827. A. ardosiacus, Bull. . 328
328. A. iiquescens, Cooke . • . ’881
329. A. ameides, B. fy Br. •341
330. A. frumentaceus, B. Br. 470
** L eptonidei. Pileus fiocculosc, rather squamose,
absolutely dry, not hygrophanous.-
331. A. Saundersil, Fr. .. 306
332. A. ferfjjis, Berle. . 316
333. A. jubatus, Fr. . . 117
334. (A. resutjf§,Fr. ^ , , . 318a
(A . griseo-cyaneus, Fr. .3 1 8 5
835. A. sericei!us; FiFl-ì" ” v-' |S07
336. A. Thomsöni, B. fy Br. . . 374
### Nolanidei. Pileus thih, hygrophanous, rather
silky when dry. Often deformed.
337. A. clypeatus, Linn. , 319
338. A. rhodopolius, Fr. . 342
------ A. m.ajalis, Fr. (doubtful)
339. A. Wynnei, B . % Br. . 329
340. j A. costatus, Fr. . . 320a
( A. sefieeus, Bull. . 3205
341. A . nidorosus, Fr. - . 321
342. A . speculum, Fr. . 308
Sub-Gen. 5. Clito p ilu s, Fr. Stem fleshy or fibrous, expanded
upwards into the pileus. the margin of which is- at
first involute. Hymenophore continuous with the stem ;
gills equally attenuated behind, andSsomewhat decurrent,
not seceding or sinuate.
* Orcblli. Gills very decurrent. Pileus' irregular,
somewhat excentric,? flexuous,) ¿scarcely hygrophanous,
m a r* i at first flooeulose.
3 4 » ' A. prunulus, Seag. . . 322
344. A. orcella, Bull. . . . 323
oak fA. munduffi,~A|M. - . . 375a
I A. erflatus, B <J* B r. . . 375b
346. A. popinalis,- Fr. . . 485
3'17. A. undatus, Fr. .. . . 486
348V A. cancrinus, Fr. . . 501
** S e r ic e lli. Pileus regular, silky, or hygrophanous,
becoming silky, margin involute, naked.
Gills a d n a p fc ig lS y decurrent.
349. A. stilbocephalus, Berk. . . 324
350. ‘,, „ varieS . . 5995
HB495,. A. i&rifii-albus, With. . . 324a
351. A. vilis, Fr. . . . 487
Sub-Gen. 6. Lep to n ia, Fr. Stem cartilaginous, tubular
(the tube stuffed .or hollow), polished, rather Ihining.
B D t^ ^ fi% * 5ilicate, or with the di sei darker, cuticle
^bi Hl^se or breaking up intSdarker scales, margin at first
incurved. Jpls. at l i s t adiexed or adnate,' but readily
Separating. Most-of th ^ g e c ie s are small; found in the
summer ; bright coloured, with violet tints.
* Gils whitish. Pileut|sbmewhat fleshy, without
striae, not hygrophanous.
352. A. placidus, Fr. . , . 33Q
A. lappola, Fr. . . ______
353. A. lampropus, Fr. . . 334
354. Î A - ætMoPs> p r. . . 332a
(.A.- solstitialis, Fr. . . 3326