Genus I . AGARICUS, Linn. (co n tin u ed ).
'Sect. B. Hyporhodii. Spo||s pink or salmon coloured.
Sub-Genus 1. Volvaria, Fr. Universal veil free, persistent!
distinct from the cuticle of the pileus. Hymenophore dis-
tinctflom the stem. Gills rounded behind, free, ventricose.
* Pileus dry, silky or fibrillose.
20:’.!*'. A. borniyoinus, Schceff. . 293
294. A. volvaceus, Bull. . 294
295. A. Loveianus, Berle. , ... . 295
296. A. TayloU, Berk. ■ . 296
more or less viscid, smooth.
,297. /A^speeiosns, UijwtU'-U/i ” . 297
298. A. gloiocephalus, D. C. ' . . 298
299. A. medius/^fi/iwra. % . 299
300. [A. parvulus,; Weinm. . 300b
\ A. tgmperatus, Berk. . 300a
Sub-Gen, 2. A n n u la ria , Schulz-, Annulate, but destitute
of a yolva. Gills free ; hymenophore d|sfifect from the
(No British species known.).
Sub-Gen. 8. P lu te u s , Fr. Destitute of volva and ring,
Hymenophore distinct from thjg stem. Gils-rounded
behind, free (never emarginate) at first cohering, white
then flesh- coloured (except two or three species which are
tinted with yellow).
* Cuticle of the pileus breaking up into fibrils or
-Ml. A. cervinus, Mhceff. . . 301
H n k 1 var- patricius:^ Schulz. 565
8Q8. » » ' var. Sm. . 302
304. „ var. Bullii, Berk. . 357
Bp.ri^ .. , .‘»»18 . var. petasatus, Fr. . 303
306 (A. umbrosus, Pers. . .3 0 4 a
M i B | .’ fenMdtilus. F r. . . 304b
307. 'A . cphebius, Fr. . .5 1 7
303. A. pellitus, Pers. . 597