Hi BH Hymenophore distinct- from
H H . Gllls B j and a t first remote Without ring from the stem. 1 or volva.
553. A. Algèriensis, Fr. . _ 618
BwiBth thBe ste mB. VeRil ann uIlate , gills more or lefct,o, -
A. Viscipelles. Pileus with aTsmooth or squamose,
often viscid pellicle.
* Mundi. JVot growing on dung.
554. A. Percevalii, B. fy Br. . 550
. 551
. 552
. 534
. 535
. 536
. 553
. 554
acus, C. 555
. 556
555. A. aeruginosus, Curt.
556. A. albo-cyaneus, Desm.
557. A. inunctus, Fr.
558. A. coronillus, Bull.
559. A. melaspermus, Bull.
560. Algquamosus, Fr.
561. A. thraustus, Kalch.
562. )» var. aurant
563. A. Worthingtonii, F t
** Merdarii. Bing often incomplete.
564. A. luteo-nitens, Br. . , #04
565. A. merdarius, Fr. , . 637
566. A. stercorarius, Fr. . # ggg
567. A. semiglobatuMBatsph. 539
B. S p in t r ig e r i . Pileus without pellicle, -but innately
fibrillose, not viscid.
568. A. caput-rnedusiu, Fr. . . 54.0
A. stiobinaceus, Fr. ' . . ___
569. A. Jerdoni, B. Br. . . 541
570. A. spintriger, Fr. . _ 54.2
571. A. hypsipus, Fr. . ' 619
Sub-Gen. 4. Hypholoma, Fr. Hymj|ophor,eA continuous
with the stem ; veil interwoven in a web, adhering in fragments
to the margin of the pileus. Pileus more or
fleshy; margin at first incurved. Gills adnate or sinuate.
* F a s c ic u l a r e s . Pileus toughjlsmooth, bright-
coloured when dry, not hygrophanous.
A. silaceus, Per s. . _ ____ ,
572. A. sublateritjus, Schceff . . 5;,7
573. „ var. squamosus^G-i; . 558
„ var. Sehsefferi, Fr. . ____
574. A. capnoides,*i'V. . 559
.575. A. epixanthus, Fr. .. , 560
576. A. fasciculafis, Huels. ■' , ' , '. 561
577. „ var. elseodes, Bull. . 562
578. A. dispersus, Fr. . . 586
•* VisefiDi. Pileus naked,, viscid.
579. A.lhsdipns, M g jr a f c "if . 587a
*-,* V e lu tin i. Pileus silky, or virgate with innate
A. storea, Fr. . . . . . -------
580. ■ „ var. csespitosus, C. . 543
581. A. lacrymabundus, Fr.- . . 566
582. A. veiutinus, Bers. . . 563
f 5J38. A. pyrotrichus, "• • 564
## FiO|i|jnLosi. Pileus clad with floceose, superfi-
## cial evanescent scales,
1 \5;84. A. cascus, Fr. . . . 544
5795'. A. pfiiictulatus, Kalch. . . 587b
Ai'PENDiovr.ATi. Pileus smooth, hygrophanous.
v 585. A. lanaripji'«. ('fofy ¡/ptf . - . 545
586. A,: CandpJll'anuaAV. . . 546
587. A. appendiculatus, Bulk- -. . 547
A.BeucotepHif«, ¿I l f ' Br. ~ . 548
„Koq f A.legenulus, B. fy Br. . . 605a
‘ I A. hyd jophilus, . . 6055
Sub-Gen. 5. Psilocybe, Fr. Veil not manifest, at least not
interwoven. Stem rather cartilaginous, rigid or tough,
tubBar, hojtbw or stuffefi often rUeting. Pileus more or
' less fleshy, smootk; margin at first iipurved; gills becoming
brownish or purplish.
A. Tenaceh. Veil accidental, rarely conspicuous; stem
hard, flexible, often, coloured ; pileus: pMiculose,
often rather viscid when m oS , growing pale
* Gills ventricose, not decurrent.
5911. A. sarJfephalus, Fr. 567
591. HR? variety 620
A. 1 i iu 11-, P. 568
598.: A* subRt<|æus, Fr. 588
594. A., u’dfis,,- P$£s\
^^»anofacie®p‘Äo^«-.1 ^
595'. 621
» 5 9 6 . A. areolatus, Klotsch. 570
597. A- a g r a r i a Ain.- 622
H S A. spobi<§pa, B. &• Br. 607
599. A. phpndgdermus, B. Br.
Gills plane, very broad behind, subdecurrent.
599b. A:., ammophilus, DR. §■ M. 6065
600. ' A.Eiprop'hilus^ B uR f y f " 608«
.A. bullaceus, Bull. . 6085
601v A. physaloides, Bull. 609a
. A. nucisedus, Fr.
A, atro-rufus, Schcef.
602. 571