H g Litho. W. Breve, Berlin-
Muscicapa atricapilla, Tinn.
Muscicapa atricapilla, Linn. S. 1ST. i. p. 326 (1766); Hewitson,
i. p. 75 ; Yarr. ed. 4, i. p. 229; Dresser, iii. p. 453.
Muscicapa luctuosa, Naum. ii. p. 231; Macg. iii. p. 524.
Gole-mouche noir, French; Schwarzgrauer Fliegenfänger,
German; Papamoscas, Cerrojillo, Spanish.
This pretty little bird is a; vernal migrant to our
country; but although not by any means very uncommon,
its breeding-haunts in Great Britain are so
restricted that in the greater part of England it is
virtually unknown. Although nests of the Pied Fly-
catcher are said to have been found occasionally in
several of the midland and southern counties, I believe
that I am correct in stating that it is only known to breed
annually and regularly in certain counties of Scotland,
and south of the Tweed only in Northumberland, Westmoreland,
Cumberland, Durham, Lancashire, Cheshire,
and Yorkshire, and three or four of the counties of Wales.
In the other counties of England this Flycatcher (I write
under correction) is only known as an accidental bird
of passage, or, as I have said above, is not known at
all. A few specimens have been obtained in Northamptonshire
on the vernal migration; but my personal