is the Common Crow of the whole of Italy and its islands,
as well as of most of the islands of the Greek Archipelago,
Cyprus, Syria, and Egypt. Erom my own experience I
am inclined to look upon the Grey Crow as a somewhat
scarce winter visitor to the Ionian Islands and the shores
of the adjacent mainland, but it is more than probable
that it may breed in the Morea. In England the subject
of this article is generally known as an autumnal visitor
from the north-east, frequenting by preference open
country and our eastern coasts, but making itself quite
at home in the large woods of our midland counties
during the winter months. In the south-western
counties this bird is by no means a common visitor;
I have been assured, I do not know with what amount
of truth, that it is virtually unknown to the westward of
Poole Harbour.
The Grey Crow, in common with most of its congeners,
is a most destructive enemy to both eggs and
young of all our Game-birds.