Picus major, Linn. S. N. i. p. 176 (1766)I Naum. I p 298 •
Hewitson, i. p. 240; Dresser, v. p. 19.
Picus pipra, Macg. iii. p. 80.
Dendrocopus major, Yarr. ed. 4, ii. p. 470.
Pm epezche, French; Grosser Buntspecht, German; Pica-
maderos, Pico, Carpintero, Spanish.
Resident and locally frequent in England, less common
in Scotland, and apparently rare in Ireland, the present
species is found in all parts of the continent of Europe
that are suited to its habits. Occasionally very shy and
difficult of approach, this bird is, on the contrary, at
times quite fearless of man.
I have adopted the name of “Pied;' as the shortest
and most appropriate, but Greater Spotted Woodpecker
seems to be the designation adopted by most writers.
'Ihe bird is known commonly in various parts of
England as “ French Pie,” “ Whittle,” and “ Hacker”
to my own knowledge, besides by other nicknames
which may be discovered in other works.