terus, vol. iii. p. 456. A fine adult male, killed in Lincolnshire
in the winter of 1841, has lately been obtained by Mr.
Bond for his own collection.
Having thus concluded this History of British Birds, I
may add my hope that throughout the work I have in all
cases acknowledged the sources from which I derived the
various particulars that have conduced so largely to give a
character to these volumes ; and I beg to return my sincere
thanks to all contributors for the very numerous and interesting
communications with which I have been so generously
To Mr. Alexander Fussell, for the ability, invention, and
good taste which have enabled him to give truth of character,
variety, and effect to nearly five hundred of the drawings on
wood here employed, my best acknowledgments are due ; and
more particularly so to Mr. John Thompson and his sons, for
the skill, the zeal, the success, and I may add the pleasure,
with which they have laboured throughout this very long
series of engravings; while the attractive appearance of the
work has been greatly increased by the care and attention
bestowed on the printing, at the establishment of Messrs.
Bentley, Wilson, and Fley.
Lastly, T beg to express my gratification, and record my
grateful thanks to all my liberal friends .and subscribers
for the encouraging opinions, and the valuable support, with
which these volumes have been favoured.
Ryder Street, St. James’s,
3rd May, 1843.
V O L . P A G E Anas Americana
V O L . P A G E
. iii. 196
Aberdevine, the i. 496 „ anser . iii. 53
Accentor, Alpine . i. 219 „ boschas . iii. 169
Accentor alpinus i. 219 „ Canadensis iii. 91
Accentor, Hedge . i. 223 99 cla/ngula . . iii. 267
Accentor modularis . i. 223 59 dypeata iii. 147
Acdpiter fringillarius . . i. 62 55 crècca . iii. 185
„ palumbarius . i. 57 55 cygnus iii. 97
African Heron . . ii. 450 59 dispar . iii. 208
Alauda alpestris i. 402 99 Egyptvaca iii. 83
„ arboreä . i. 417 5, erythropus . iii. 72
„ arvensis i. 409 „ ferina iii. 233
„ brachydadyla . i. 420* 99 férruginea . iii. 238
„ campestris . i. 394 99 fuligula iii. 251
„ minor . i. 384 „ fusca . iii. 215
„ obscura i. 394 „ gambensis iii. 87
„ pratensis . i. 389 99 glacialis . . iii. 255
„ trividlis i. 384, 389 99 glaucion iii 267
Alca alle . iii. 358 99 glodtans . . iii. 165
„ arctica . iii. 362 „ Mstrionica iii. 262
„ impennis . iii. 369 „ leucopMhalmos . . iii. 238
„ pica . iii. 366 „ marila iii 241
„ torda . iii. 366 99 moUissima . iii. 201
Alcedo ispida . ii. 206 99 nigra iii. 220
Alp, a name for the Bullfinch. „ nyroca . iii. 238
Alpine Accentor i. 219 „ olor iii. 115
„ Swift . . ii. 239 „ penelope . . iii. 190
Aluco flammea i. 126 99 perspicillata iii. 225
American Bittern . ii. 481 „ querquedula . iii. 181
„ Cuckoo .. ii. 189 „ rubens iii. 147
„ Quail . ii. 348 „ ruficollis . . iii. 80
„ Scaup Duck iii. 247 „ rufina . iii. 229
„ Wigeon . iii. 196 95 rutila . iii. 136
Ampelis gar ruins . i. 356 „ segetum . iii. 59
Anas acuta, . iii. 158 „ spectabilis . iii. 211
, , albifrons iii. 68 „ strepera iii. 154