according to Pennant, in tlie temperate parts of Russia as far
as the Uralian chain, but does not reach Siberia. In summer
it is found over the whole of the South of Europe to the
shores of the Mediterranean. It is seen at Genoa and in
Italy on its passage to the south and east in September; and
Mr. Strickland observed that it was a common bird at
Smyrna in winter.
The male has the beak black; from the angle of the gape
of the beak to the eye a brown streak ; irides brown ; the
ear-coverts and a patch under the eye dark brown ; over the
lore, the eye, and the ear-coverts, an elongated streak of
white : top of the head, neck,,back, and smaller wing-coverts,
a mixture of pale brown and very dark brown, each feather
being dark in the centre, and light at the circumference :
greater wing-coverts black ; the spurious wing white : quill-
feathers dark brown, the primaries reaching nearly to the end
of the ta il; the secondaries and tertials edged with light
brown ; tail-feathers white at the base, dark brown over the
distal half, and edged with pale brown. The chin and a line
from thence reaching beyond the lower edge of the end of
the ear-coverts, white ; throat and breast delicate fawn-colour,
passing into pale buff on the belly and under tail-coverts;
under surface of the distal half of the tail-feathers greyish
black. Legs, toes, and claws, black.
The whole length of the bird rather short of five inches.
From the carpal joint to the end of the longest primary, three
inches : the first feather very short; the second equal to
the fifth ; the third the longest.
In the female, the white on the spurious wing is less conspicuous
; and the colouring of the under surface of the body
has less of red and more of yellow in the tint.
Sylvia xnanthe, The Wheatear,
Motacilla ,, ”
Saxicola ,, The Fallowchat,
„ The Wheatear,
Traquet moteux
P enn. Brit. Zool. vol. i. p. 521.
Mont. Ornith. Diet.
B ewick, Brit. Birds, vol. i. p. 274.
F lem. Brit. An. p. 67.
Selby, Brit. Ornith. vol. i. p. 181.
J enyns, Brit. Vert. p. 119.
G ould, Birds of Europe, pt. ii.
T emm. Man. d’Ornith. vol. i. p. 237.