4. newtoni, G Hike, Ibis, 1889, p. 578. Himalaya Mts.
(Kashmir to Bhutan).
W. China.
5. subviridis (Brooks), (p. 74, pi. iv. fig. 2.
[Cf. Pleske, Orn. Ross. ii. p. 295 (1889).]
6. superciliosus (Gm.). (p. 68.)
7. h um e i (Brooks), (p. 67, pi. iv. fig, 1 .)
8. mandellii, Brooks, Str. F. viii. pp. 389,481
N.W. Himalayas
N.W. India (winter).
S. Russia (acc.).
Siberia. Mongolia.
Burmese Provinces
Plains of N.E. India
S. China (winter).
Europe (occ.).
Altai Mts. Tian-shan.
Himalaya Mts.
(Kashmir to Nepal).
Plains of India (winter).
E. Himalayas
(Sikhim to the
Kh&si Hills).
W. China, N: to
(Phylloscopus, pt., Seebohm, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. v. p. 37,1881.)
1. borealis <fc>. (p. 40.) N. Europe & N. Asia
(Finmark to E. Siberia,
Commander Is. Alaska.
China & Formosa
Indo-Chinese Provinces
Malay Peninsula (winter).
Borneo (winter).
2. xanthodryas (Swinh.). (p. 42.) Mongolia. Kamtchatka.
Kurile Is. Japan.
S. China (winter).
N.W. Borneo (winter).
3. nitida (Blyth). (p. 43.) S. Russia. JT. Caucasus.
Transcaspia. Persia.
Himalaya Mts.
Indian Peninsula &
Ceylon (pointer).
4. viridana (Blyth). (p. 44.) N.E. Russia. S.W. Siberia.
[pseudoborealis, Severtz., Ibis, 1883, p. 66 (pt.).] Turkestan.
(Kashmir to Sikhim).
N. Sylhet.
Plains of India &
Ceylon (pointer).
' / \ r * _LLiAjAG£>bOiu lu ja L in u r -
[seebohmi, Hume, Str. F. v. p. 335 (1877). Hainan (winter).
Cf. Brooks, Ibis, 1885, p. 387.] Burmese Provinces
[pseudoborealis, pt., Severtz., Ibis, 1883, p. 66.] - (winter).
6. tenellipes (Swinh.). (p. 46.) Taimyr Peninsula
to Ussuri-land.
Japan. China.
Indo-Chinese Provinces.
N. Malay Peninsula
7. magnirostris (Blyth). (p. 47.) Himalaya Mts.
(Kashmir to Sikhim).
W. China, N. to Kan-su.
Plains of India (winter).
Burmese Provinces
8. lugubris (Blyth). (p. 48.) E. Himalayas
(Sikhim to Assam).
W. China to Chuan-che.
E. Bengal (winter).
Burmese Provinces