information communicated to me; and I must especially thank Count
Salvadori and Dr. Otto Pinsch for their generous contributions, while
Prof. Allen, Prof. Eidgway, Mr. Eichmond, and Mr. Oberholser have
most carefully read through the proofs, and their suggestions have been
of great service. All my colleagues in America have throughout the
progress of the ‘ Hand-list5 rendered me most important assistance, while
Dr. Sclater and Mr. Hartert have done the same for me in this country.
To the following gentlemen I have been indebted for special help in the
preparation of the present volume :—
England. Dr. P. L. Sclater, Mr. Howard Saunders, Hon. Walter
Eothschild, Mr. Ernst Hartert, Mr. W. E. Ogilvie Grant,
Mr. C. W. Andrews, and Mr. W. P. Pycraft. In the preparation
of the Index and in many other respects, I have received
great assistance from my indefatigable chief attendant,
Mr. Charles Chubb.
France.—Professor E. Oustalet.
Holland.—Dr. Otto Einsch.
Germany. Professor A. Eeichenow, Dr. A. B. Meyer, Count
von Berlepsch.
Russia.—Dr. Bianchi.
Italy.—Count Salvadori.
America.—Professor Eobert Eidgway, Dr. L. Stejneger, Professor
J. A. Allen, Mr. Prank M. Chapman, Mr. C. W. Eichmond,
Mr. Witmer Stone, Mr. Harry Oberholser,-and Mr. Outram
July 5,1901.
Order XXXIV. Page
,Fam. I. E ubyl^ midje . . 1
Sub-Fam. 1. Calyptomeninae. 1
1. Calyptomena, Hqffi 1
Sub-Fam. 2. Eurylseminse. 1
2. Psarisomus, Swains 1
3. Serilophus, Swains . ' 2
4. Sarcophanops, Sharpe . . 2
5. Eurylsemus, Horsf. . . . . 2
6. Oorydon, Less. .............. 3
7. Cymborbynchus, Vig. . . 3
Order XXXV.
ME.NURIFORMES . . . . . . 3
Fam. I. Menu bidje . . . . 3
1. Menura, D a v ie s ............. 3
Order XXXVI.
Sub-Order S|
M e s o m y o d i .' 4
Division Traeheophonce . . . . 4
Fam. I. P t e e o p t o c h i d 2e. 4
1. Scytalopus, G o u ld .............. 4
2. Merulaxis, Less............ 6
3. Lioscelis, S c l ............... 6
4. Pteroptocbus, Kittl. . . . . 6
5. Rbinocrypta, Gray . . . . 7
6 . Hylactes, King ............... 7
7. Acropternis, Cab. fy Heine. 7
8. Triptorhinus, Cab. ......... 7
Fam. II. Conopophagim: . 8
1. Conopophaga, Vieill. . . . . 8
2. Corytbopis, Sundev 9
Fam. IH. FoBMiCABiimE . 9
1. Cvmbilanius, Gray . . . . 9
2. Batara, Less....................... 10
3. Tbamnophilus, Vieill. .. 10
4. Biatas, Cab. fy Heine . . . . 17
5. Thamnistes, Scl. fy Salv.. . 17
6 . Pygoptila, Scl. ............... 18
7. Neoctantes, S c l................ 18
8 . Clytoctantes, Scl. ........... 18
9. Dysitbamnus, Cab 18
10. Tbamnomanes, Cab 20
11. Myrmotberula, Scl. . . . . 20
12. Dichrozona, Ridgw 23
13. Herpsilocbmus, Cab 23
14. Formicivora, Swains 25
15. Terenura, Cab. fy Heine . . 27
16. Psilorbamphus, Scl. , . . . 27
17. Rbampbocsenus, Vieill. . . 27
18. Cercomacra, Scl................ 28
19. Pyriglena, Cab................... 29
20. Myrmochanes, Allen . . . . 30
21. Rbopocichla, Allen ___ 30
22. Pitbys, Vieill.................... 30
23. Gymnopithys, B p . 30
24. Rhegmatorbina, Ridgw.. . 31
25. Rhopoterpe, Herm 31
26. Myrmelastes, Scl. ........... 31
27. Gymnocichla, S c l. 32
28. Percnostola, Cab. fy Heine. 32
29. Sclateria, Oberh................. 33
30. Drymopbila, Swains 33