I propose to be in London on Saturdiiy, to be ready to attend the meeting of tlie Trustees, if they should wish lo see me. I have
also written to Mr. Mantel], urging him fo run up by mail on Friday evening, and meet me to settle the valuation on Saturday morning,
before the Trustees assemble in the afternoon.
Clifford Sireel. July 9. 1834.
Most anxious to effect the final disposition ot my Collection in the Museum, and conscious of the objections that a laige sum of
money for such kinds of purposes afford the economical—narrow minded,—1 have after much reflection set apart for the Museum only
those specimens of my Collection whieh ore of primary import to the public—all the sauri, the subjeeta of my plates, and those of my
general CoUeetion which are really oo-odjutors, nnd really important to the Museum-
And availing myself of your kind advice, I bave sent through Mr. Forshell my proposals to the Trustees.
And 1 have sent the Trustees, with my work, a list of all the Sauri. &c. &c. that I propose for llie Museum, a copy of which I
retain for you, leiVA Ihe several prices as aell as I rsmember thal the artieUe have cost me. so that there may be no manner of mistake
anywhere, and as little trouble in the estimation as possible-
And, moreover, 1 take the liberty to express how much gratified I feel that you and you alone determine the sum that I am to
receivo for that portiou of my Collection which goes to the Museum, as I have not ouly every confidence in your judgment, but am sure
that you will add the more impcrlancc to tlie problem which you condescend to solve, alone.
That portion o f Mr. Hawkins’ Collection which he proposes to send to the British Museum.
Only those Specimens printed in It in acquired by tli
212 Shells from Muddiford
110 Seeds, Fruits, &c. 1
11 Lobsters and Crabs/®'’''’'’^
56 Shells. Sufi'olk Craig
1 Dudley Slab, with Trilobites, &c
53 Echini
27 Spinal R
23 Shells, &c. Gualt
2 Trilobites
G Crustacea
1 Marsupite
2 Encrinitcs
8 Palates
5 Teeth
1 Coprolitc
8 Corallines
1 Asterias
15 Shells
36 Alcyonia
3 Ditto
1 ClavigcUe
94 Echini, SheUs, Corals, &c.
34 Specimens, Iguanodon
14 Groups Freshwater Shells
4 Groups of Cyelas
I Jointed Ammonite
11 Ammonites
2 Pieces of Chelonian carapace. Portland
20 Corallines
40 Ditto
SID Specimens carried over
819 Specimens brought over
! Encrinite
16 Eocrinal scries
32 Palatal remains
2 Groups of Crista Galli
160 Shells, Echini. Corals
2 Series of Oolite Shells
98 CoproUtes
9 Cupid's Wings
1 Sepia beak
3 Belemnites
1 Echinal spine, gigantic
5 Scaphites
1 Fruit
4 Crustacea
13 Shells
100 Ammonites
1 Slab, Pentacrinite
1 Lansdown Encrinite
1 Head of an anknowii species of Pentacrinite
1 Section, Pcnta and En-crinitc, unique
1 Piece of Actiuo-crinite
4 Encrinol drawers
3 SheUs
3 Leaves
1 Piece of Lignite
3 Defensive Fin-bones
0 Frayments of Plesion-sc
1378 Specimens carried over
1373 Specimens brought over
1 Inferior Jaw Plesiosaurus
16 Various reliqua Plesiosauri
6 Croeodile Jaies
2 Reltjua: Crocodili
2 Jaws Ichthyosauri
4 Jaws Ichthyosauri
1 Tooth Megalosauri, unique
5 Fragments
9 Jaws Ichthyosauri
2 Fragments
7 Teeth, unique
7 Fragments Ichthyosauri
1 Group of Ammonites
5 Fragments Ichthyosauri
1 Head of Ichthyosaurus
6 Humeri
I Skin Ichthyoi
1 Piece of Jaw
60 Bones Ichthyoi
554 Total in Cabinet
53 Specimena from Tilgate Forest
7 Reeds
1 Giant Pinna
1 Group Caput Modus« Encrinite
1 Group Crista Gall;
2 CoraUine Masses
1 Briarcun Pentacrinite
i Piesii
1 Flesic
30 Fish
4 Ammonites
13 Alcyonia
1 Fragment IchU
5 Fragments Ichthyoi
1 Giant Vert. Icklhyosauru.
1727 Specimens brought over
1 Pentacrinite
2 Terebratulffi, Groups
42 Ferns
1 Wood
3 Ammonites
3 Sections Ichthyosauri
1 Slab Ichthyosaurus
2 Pieces of Wood
• 1 Portion of Ichthyosaurus
1 Fragment lehthyosaurns
2 Pieces of Pentacrinite
2 Ssctions Plesiosauri
12 Crustacea
1 Tail, lehlhyosaurus
1 Plesiosaurus
1 Head of Ichthyosaurus
1 Pentacrinite witli storaacli
2 Coal Specimens
! Slab of Ichthyosaurus
3 Sections of Ichihyosattri
1 Slab
I Asterias
1 Opbiura, unique .
! Immense Scapula Plesiosaurus
I Humerus Plesion
1 Vertebra, Ichthyosaurus
1 Caudal portiou Ichthyosaurus
1 Reliqu.-e of cartiiaginaus Fish
1 Pentacrinite, Clifton
5 Fragments of Ichthyosauri
9 /Vmmonites'
4 Shells
! lehthyosaarus
1 Splendid Group. lekthyosai
1 Another Group
1 Another
3 lehthyosauri
I Plesios
1919 Total number of Specimens
Copy of a Letter I judged expedient to write to the Honourable Tnistees of the British Museum dated July. 1834,
Si a,
the proposal of trausfcr of a part of my Collection of Fossil Oiganic Remains to tlie British Museum is to be discussed ii
Parliament, I beg to make formal record that, consideration for the interests of science alone induced the offer and occouipanyins
stipulation wliich I had the honour to make the Trustees of the British Museum.
By adding this letter to the former ones that have passed upon this subject you will oblige.
Your obedient humble Servant,
Secretary at the British Musei