PH P a r e i r u s I N S I G N I S .
P I I A S I A N I T S I N S I G N I S , e h m .
PHASIANÜS INSIGNIS, Elliot, Proc. Zool. Soc. (1870) p. 404.
H ab. Province of Yarkand, Eastern Turkestan ( S haw) ,
i n s splendid. bud whose portrait is here^ iv en was procured by Mr. R o b e r* § hW n Yarkand, at the same.time that he obtained
the species which bears his name , It is apparently intermediate, between P . Sim,mi and P. monjokais, but has a more
brilliantly coloured plumage Ilian either Its position, on the eastern, side of the Altai Mountains, forbids the supposition that
11 n“ y •** a hybrld' bef e e u the tiro species just mimed, as P . mongolicm is an inliubitaiit of the western side of that range
the lowest pass_cj^f which are in the neighbourhood u f 15000 feet i n s i g h t too lofty for any species of:Pheasant to cross!
Two mutilated skins were all the representatives of this species brought by Mr. Shaw, exhibiting, however, both , sexes. The
,lullc ls a beautiful bird; the feaihers of the breast and flanks shine with the most brilliant metallic colours, and the living bird
must be « splendid object. Unfortunately the two ikins are without the beads' and I m unable to give a description of that
portion of the bird; but as that part vanes but slightly in the tune Pheasants, it would not be a t all hazardous to suppose that
- - P \ "■»"Id resemble very closely in its head and neck the P Mongolia,*, with the important exception that it will
probably be without rbe white ru.g s i p | | g g | | | | h i its ally— as the feathers w f f e J n e |K t® c h remain in the specimen in mv
possession show the commencement o f the metallic blue and green hues so prevalent in the true Pheasants, but no
whatever of any white Although an ally o f P mongolism, and equally large in size, it differs from ¡¡S t .species in „curly every
particular ol markings and colour, being much more brilliant in and the metallic spots larger and more
conspicuous. .
Fcathem of the neck hi 1 at base,, deep chest,nit in the centre, and broadly tipped with ........ green - back and
scapiilai golden che hint, with a triangular black bar starting Horn the shaft about a third of its length from the tip ; shaft whitea
triangular pot a t the tip brilliant green; back and rump deep rich chestnut-red; iving-coverts white, margined at the lower
half with fulvous. Tail reddish brown, barred equally mid at regular intervals with black for about half the width of the web
outer half barred with ch e s tn u t/la te ra l feathers reddish brown on the outer' webs, greyish brown on the inner, barred regularte
with black Underside of mil-fcnthcrs chestnut, barred broadly and distinctly with black. Upper part of breast brilliant golden
chestnut, broadly tipped with sliming green; flanks bright golden, with the ends of the -feathers covered, with a large, triangular
brilliant shit ,, | green ; Centre of abdomen, and thig h s/b lack , under tail-covcrts chestnut. tips rvashed witbÜining green-
feet and tarsus blackish brown.,
Femah-G e n e r a l colour buff, tinged with a rosy lme; feathers o f the back edged with ashy brown, before a band of
yellowish, which is repeated two or three times, Interrupting the black which runs along the shaft Primaries pale brown barred
Üm ! M ™ B p - o w n , barred irregularly , . black; reast dark buff; flunks rosy buff conspicuously spotted
The Elate represents both sexes of the size- of life.