L IS T O F P L A T E S .
Note—As the arrangement of the Plates in the course of publication was impracticable, the Numbers here jiven will refer to them
arranged, and the Plates may be quoted by them.
P late P art D ate.
1. Otogyps calvus . Black Vulture . . . XII. June 1860.
2. Gyps Bengalensis . . Bengal Vulture III. June 1851.
3. Falco Peregrinator . . Shaheen Falcon I 1
4. „ Babylonicus . . Red-naped Falcon XX. April 1868.
5. „ sacer . Saker Falcon ,, ' M 3 1", ' .
6. „ lanarius . Lanner Falcon „
7. „ Jugger • Jugger Falcon I. January 1850.
8. Erythropus araurensis . White-winged Red-footed
Kestrel . . . . XXXII. July 1880.
9. Spilomis rufipectus . Rufous-breasted Spilornis XII. June 1860.
10. Spizaétus alboniger . Black-and-white Crested Eagle. XV. June 1863.
11. Milvus Govinda . Govinda Kite IV. November 1852
12. Elanus hypoleucus . . Celebean Elanus . . XII. June 1860.
13. Scops pennatus . Indian Scops Owl XXII. March 1870.
14. Phodilus badius . Bay Owl . . . „ |
15. Athene Brodiei . Brodie’s Owlet | I
16. Symium ocellàtum . . Speckled Wood-Owl » »»
17. Strix indica . . Indian Screech Owl XXIV. March 1872.
18. „ candida . . Grass-Owl
19. Caprimulgus Mahrattensis . Mahratta Nightjar . II. July 1850.
20. Cypselus infixraatus . Palm Roof-Swift XXIV. March 1872.
21. Dendrochelidon coronatus . Crested Tree-Swift . XI. May 1859.
22. „ Klecho . . Klecho Tree-Swift .
23. „ W allacci . Wallace’s Tree-Swift
24. ,, mystaceus . Bearded Tree-Swift.
25. „ comatus . Hooded Tree-Swift . „
26. Hirundo filifera . Wire-tailed Swallow XVIIL April 1866.
27. Cecropis rufula . Western Mosque-Swallow XX. April 1868.
28. „ Daurica . Daurian Mosque-Swallow »*
29. „ erythropygia . Indian Mosque-Swallow . „ „ „
30. „ hyperythra . Ceylonese Mosque-Swallow „ |
31. Deli chon Nipalensis . Nepal Martin-Swallow „
32. Hypurolepis dotnicola . Bungalow Swallow' . „
33. Lagenoplastes fluvicola . . Indian ClifF-Swallow „ | „
34. Merops quinticolor . . Pirik Bee-eater VIII. May 1856.
35. „ viridis . Hurrial Bee-eater . VII. April 1855.
36. | Philippinus. . Philippine Bee-eater i 1
37. Nyctiornis Athertoni . Blue-throated Nyctiornis. II. July 1850.
38. „ amictus . . Red-throated Nyctiornis . „
39. Meropogon Forsteni . Forsten’s Bee-eater . XXV. March 1873.
40. Actenoides Hoinbroni . Hombron’s Kingfisher XXIX. April 1877.
41. „ Lindsayi . Lindsay’s Kingfisher 1 »» |
42. „ concretus . Sumatra Kingfisher . |