Superb Fruit-Pigeon.
Cotombe poukiobm, Cofamba mperba, Temm. Les. Pig., fql. 2nd fqm,( 3».—Ibid;'1 Kg. et Gall., 8ro.
27^J 474i'
T his lovely species was originally figured and described in the' splendid work on the Pigeons by Madame
Knipaud my friend M. Temminck as an iphabitaut of one of the islands of the Pacific Ocean j and it affords
me much pleasure to be enabled to include a representation of it among my illustrations of the Fauna of
Australia, specimens bavm^^^OTOCured by. Mr. Bynoe on Booby Island, which lies off the north coast.
In all probability it enjoys an extensive range over the islands o f New Guinea as well as over all parts
of Northern Australia,^ vi|ereyer suitable situations occur. The specimens procured by Mr. Bynoe were
fortunately male and female: the latter sex exhibits in its plumage traces of immaturity; but whether the
rich 5^]puripg5of $by^rpwn of the head is at all times absent is a point yet to be ascertained, a knowledge
greatly tend to clear up the confusion which reigns'.throughout this gorgeously-coloured
group, (^pigeons.
The male has the crown of the head of a very deep rich purple; sides of the head and occiput olive-
green ; sides and back of the neck bright rufous; shoulders veryf dark bluish black; all the upper surface
and wings deep yellowish green, tinged with rufous; the scapularies and tertiaries with a spot o f deep
green near the extremity; primaries and secondaries black, slightly margined externally near the tip with
pale yellowf|:tap' g r e y a ftlie base, to which succeeds a broad band of black, glossed particularly on the
central feathers with green ; beyond this, the tips "are white, all but the outer ones washed with green;
jamicy white; breast' grey, below which a band of black; abdomen and under tail-coverts white, the latter
with a stripe of olive down the centre; band crossing the flanks and another crossing the thighs olive-
green ; feet orange; bill dark horn-colour.
The female has the crown of the head and all the upper surface yellowish green, with a small spot of
deep blue near the tips of the scapularies; primaries and secondaries black, slightly edged with yellow; at
the occiput a large patch of deep green ^chin grey; centre of breast greenish grey; flanks green ;* centre
of abdomen straw-yellow. ■
The figures are those o f the two sexes on a plant of the north coast.