Yellow Honey-eater.
Ptilotis flava, Gould inProc. of Zool. Soc., Part X. p. 136.
T h is new species may be distinguished from all its congeners by the uniform colouring of its plumage ; it
is in fact a most remarkable bird, inasmuch as I scarcely recollect one similarly coloured in any genus
that has come under my notice. I regret that, as regards the history o f this Honey-eater, its range over
the Australian continent, its habits and economy, all is a perfect blank ; a single specimen is all I have at
present seen; this was procured by one of the officers o f Her Majesty’s Ship the Beagle, while employed on
the north coast. The names of Captain Stokes, Lieutenant Emery and Mr. Bynoe have been repeatedly
mentioned in this work, with feelings of personal gratification that their labours have been useful to science.
It now only remains for me to describe the colours o f this bird; having I trust thrown out a sufficient hint
to those who may visit its native country, and may have opportunities of observing it, that any contributions
to its history will be very desirable.^
Head and all the under surface delicate citron-yellow, the yellow prevailing over the head; immediately
under the ear-coverts is a spot o f blackish brown, posterior to which is a patch of bright yellow, the
remainder of the plumage olive-grey.
The Plate represents the bird in two positions of the natural size.