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Red-throated Honey-eater.
Entomophila rufogularis, Gould in Proc. of Zool. Soc., Part X. p. 137.
T h is is another of the novelties that has rewarded the researches of the Officers of H.M.S. Beagle on the
northern coast o f Australia; the specimens from which my figures were taken were transmitted to me by my
friend Benjamin Bynoe, Esq., o f that vessel.
The Entomophila rufogularis is the least o f the genus yet discovered, and is more nearly allied to E . albo-
gularis than to E . picta, from both o f which it may at once be distinguished by the red colouring o f its
throat. The sexes, judging from the specimens sent me by Mr. Bynoe, are very similar in their markings.
Nothing whatever is known of its habits and economy.
Head and all the upper surface brown; wings and tail darker brown ; primaries, secondaries and tail-
feathers margined externally with wax-yellow; throat rust-red ; sides o f the head and all the under surface
very pale brown ; bill and feet dark purplish brown.
The figures are those of the natural size.