Broad-billed Flycatcher.
Myiagra latirostris, Gould in Proc. of Zool. Soc., Part VIII. p. 172.
I p o s s e s s two examples o f this species, one of which was procured on the north coast by Mr. Dring, and
the other at Port Essington by Mr. Gilbert. It is in every respect a true Myiagra, and is rendered
remarkably conspicuous by the great breadth or lateral dilatation of the bill. .As no notes accompanied the
specimens, I am unable to give any particulars as to its habits and economy; in all probability they are
very similar to those of the other members o f the genus.
All the upper surface, wings and tail dark bluish gray, with a shining greenish lustre on the head and
back of the neck; throat and chest sandy buff; under surface white; bill black; irides blackish brown;
feet black.
The figures are of the natural size. '