J. frold and. BCRiJatrdd etlith. r r a c T i e r s a r < ;k n t b its • &~.u
Silvery-backed Butcher-Bird.
Cracticus argenteus, Gould in Proc. of Zool. Soc., Part VIII. p. 126.
E x a m p l e s of this new species were discovered on the north coast o f Australia, both by Captain Grey
and B. Bynoe, Esq., to the latter of whom I am indebted for one of the specimens from which my figures
were taken.
The Cracticus argenteus is directly intermediate in size between Cracticus destructor and Cracticus nigro-
gularis, and moreover exhibits a remarkable participation in the colouring of those two species ; having the
white throat and chest of the former, and the parti-coloured wings, conspicuous white rump, and white-
tipped tail o f the latter ; it differs, however, from both, as well as from all the other members o f the genus,
in the light or silvery grey colouring of the back, and hence the term of argenteus has been applied to it.
No account o f its habits has yet been received, but they doubtless resemble those of the other species of
the genus.
Crown of the head, ear-coverts, shoulders, primaries, and all the tail-feathers for three-fourths of their
length from the base, black; back silvery grey; throat, all the under surface, sides o f the neck, some of
the wing-coverts and the margins of several of the secondaries, rump, and tips of the tail-feathers pure
white; bill horn-colour; feet hlackish brown.
The figures are of the natural size.