$jbrfcl> presents
been coijfotroded by «him? writers, 1 $
range o»P iis habitat «it^ibastve^y 1» itfiis
onr (lie «i|»NUk I f f ■P™* I» * « jvilifsiie; f i l
'and where tint fcaifcd, almost desilt at©
/be petndiariy Rnited for .tbit Sitmin*u M*owiru ¡&
The inicrioi iiy of it»:-sbBe iv3!' always distil
•in the British, islands it is kilerablv comiiion
coasts, and esjMicasdly the mootlm txf biur larger
animahi, whjeb it takes ; when, me ddfcas at-tl
the water mfam j$ j at
: fly oflfHvifch ¿was rig»i»Ui' aniS. Sfttt
blotched it'1 s
;’".to: toeet-w&iMto' | | it#. §|j§| i f ;u. jpjjj
iS f||f 8 ||J p |S j^ ||| ||| |f|i§|§| |l ::•>• ||||
duial stripe -a!’ :;ri fr/i/. whita down iris* •tssti'i»« ;
and chest greyish white '•s-irls ,4 iuiSMH&iwhiuai das
with deep brows rikI greyish wiiM* t tad
jiffl'l ,We hstre &gured sui adijlc of jfas o/borai sift!!.